A four-day festival of concerts, conversations, performances, film premieres, a lego workshop and a dinner party. Hosted by the IAS and the European Institute.
From 17 to 23 June 2022, the festival celebrated Music Futures activities, dedicated to thinking, writing and performing music - jointly hosted by the UCL European Institute and the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, with support from UCL Grand Challenges. It was a chance to learn about this year's projects, hear some live music and socialise with likeminded people.
A conversation-recital around selected English art songs, exploring their agency as cultural memory with soprano Harriet Burns, pianist Ian Tindale, music historian Professor Daniel Grimley and Nordic scholar Annika Lindskog. 17 June 2022, 11:00am-1:00pm
Come see the working environment of PEARL, UCL's new Person-Environment-Activity Research Lab, in Dagenham – we'll walk you through its malleable laboratory. 20 June 2022, 10:30am-12:00pm
We welcome the editors Axel Körner and Paulo M. Kühl for the launch of their new book. Respondents: Professor Susan Rutherford (Cambridge), and Professor Roger Parker (KCL). 20 June 2022, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Conversation & premiere of a short film about directing, performing and seeing the opera "The Life & Death of Alexander Litvinenko". With director Stephen Medcalf, mezzo soprano Olivia Ray, writer-journalist Owen Matthews, anthropologist Michal Murawski, Russian politics expert Ben Noble, and filmmaker Graham Riach. 21 June 2022, 10:00am-11:00am
Musical performances around the Bloomsbury campus and neighbouring outdoor spaces. Book your own personal concert on campus! 21 June 2022, 12:00pm-6:00pm
Utilising the medium of sound/music through the process of sonification, we transform data into sound, developing a DJ set of the dataset. 22 June 2022, 4:00pm-8:00pm
Talks, rare-book display and music performances exploring the social history of outdoor music performance in spaces local to UCL. Postponed (new date TBC)
This conversation is one of two linked events exploring music, identity and memory in Proust’s great novel, In Search of Lost Time. Combine with the CONCERT in the evening! 23 June 2022, 2:00pm-4:00pm
A Sound Art Performance, by Jason Singh with Liz Hanks, followed by a brief discussion. Postponed until the autumn (date t.b.c)
Image credit: 'a few centimetres in the midst of this superhuman multitude’, coarse figurine on the Porch of the Booksellers, Rouen Cathedral, photo by Thomas Stern
Concert featuring music inspired by 'In Search of Lost Time' and the music of the salons of the time, and a new composition by Alex Hills. Linked to the CONVERSATION 2pm-4pm. 23 June 2022, 7:00pm-8:30pm