Public discussion: Economy and Security: the State after Neoliberalism
14 February 2025, 5:00 pm–6:30 pm

Bringing together five panellists from the Editorial Board of Economy and Society, this event addresses the question of how to theorise the state of the state today.
This event is free.
Event Information
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Institute of Advanced Studies
IAS Common Ground (G11)ground floor, South Wing, Wilkins BuildingUCL, Gower St, LondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
In the context of multiple interlocking crises - financial, ecological, democratic - the question of 'the State' has resurfaced once more. Demands placed upon the state are rising, even while state legitimacy appears to be in crisis across liberal democracies. New rationalities, technologies and teleologies of state action are emerging, while reactionary critiques of the state grow louder, sometimes emanating from within radical rightwing governments themselves. Progressives, meanwhile, remain frequently disorientated. What concepts and theories, old and new, might enable us to comprehend the state today?
On the panel will be:
Ilias Alami, Assistant Professor in the Political Economy of Development, University of Cambridge
Sam Ashenden, Professor of Politics, University of Liverpool
Andrew Barry, Professor of Human Geography, UCL
Will Davis, Professor of Political Economy, Goldsmiths
Linsey McGoey, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex