IAS Early Career Network: Writing a Proposal for a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship
12 June 2024, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Bring your ideas for a postdoctoral project to this workshop and receive tailored advice about how to develop them into a successful proposal.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students
- Yes
- Free
Institute of Advanced Studies
IAS ForumG17, ground floor, South WingUCL, Gower St, LondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
Following on from the UCL briefing on the scheme on 11th June, this workshop is for you to bring your ideas for a postdoctoral project and receive tailored advice about how to develop them into a successful proposal.
We will focus on the British Academy scheme, but many of the principles will also apply to other postdoctoral fellowships. Some of you may already have quite developed projects, others will be playing with an idea, and most will probably be somewhere in between. It will be helpful to our discussion to test out ideas at these various different stages and get a sense of how they might develop.
Please come prepared to talk about an idea for a project, even if it is in the early stages. If you have already drafted a short proposal (2-3 pages), do bring it along (5 copies would be useful for small group work).
Places will be limited to 12, so that there is time to discuss everyone’s proposed project.
UCL staff and students only. Please register here: https://ias-ecn-writeproposal.eventbrite.co.uk