
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Translating Milton Santos (Archie Davies, QMUL)

11 October 2022, 4:15 pm–6:00 pm

book cover Milton Santos' For a New Geography

Archie Davies will discuss the process of translating Milton Santos' 1978 For a New Geography, and situate the great Brazilian geographer's work in the history of Brazilian radical thought and contemporary debates in human geography.

Event Information

Open to





Jennifer Robinson


IAS Forum, and online via Zoom
G17, Ground Floor, South Wing
UCL, Gower Street, London
United Kingdom

Archie Davies will discuss the process of translating Milton Santos' 1978 For a New Geography, and situate the great Brazilian geographer's work in the history of Brazilian radical thought and contemporary debates in human geography.

This will be a hybrid event - the link and details will be provided in reminder emails to ticket holders.


  • Santos, M. 2021. For a New Geography. Translated and introduced by Archie Davies. University of Minnesota Press (a discount code for the book is attached)
  • Davies, A. 2019. Milton Santos: The conceptual geographer and the philosophy of technics. Progress in Human Geography, 43(3), 584–591.
  • Forthcoming: book review forum on "For a New Geography" in Dialogues in Human Geography
  • Smith, C., Davies, A. and Gomes, B., 2021. “In Front of the World”: Translating Beatriz Nascimento. Antipode, 53(1), pp.279-316.
  • Special issue of the Brazilian journal Terra Brasilis on translation: https://journals.openedition.org/terrabrasilis/7969

Milton Santos flyer