VIRTUAL Music Futures: Science and Sound reading group 4
06 May 2022, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm

Science and Sound will explore recent research at the interface of STS, music and sound and use its sessions to bring together academics, museum curators and performers.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Cathy Lucas
The Science and Sound reading group, part of Music Futures, will meet again on Friday 6 May, from 4.00 to 5.30pm, for our monthly discussion! We will meet again on zoom, link here:
This month we have the pleasure of reading a recent piece by Tim Boon, who very kindly agreed to join our conversation:
Boon, T. "The Cinematic Sound of Industrial Modernity: First Notes", in R. Bud et al. (eds), Being Modern. The Cultural Impact of Science in the Twentieth Century, London: UCL Press, pp. 40-57. Available open access here:
And in line with our tradition of adding listenings to our readings, Tim suggests:
- The Face of Britain:
- À Nous la Liberté:
We hope to see many of you there!
Chiara, Maria, Cathy and Elena
Image credit: S. Morland (1672) Tuba Stentooro-Phonica: An Instrument of Excellent Use, as Well ar Sea, as at Land; Invented and Variously Experimented in the Year 1670 and Humbly Presented to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty Charles II in the Year 1671, London: W. Godbid