
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Early-Career Ethnographers of the NHS Workshop: Practicalities, Networks, and Strengthening EDI

16 May 2022, 9:00 am–7:00 pm

health and humanities

One day workshop at Institute of Advanced Studies. Keynote: Dr Gemma Hughes (University of Oxford). Panellists: Dr Cecilia Vindrola-Padros (UCL, RREAL), Helen Buckingham (Nuffield Trust), Ron Agble (Royal Free Hospital). Deadline to apply: 21st February

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Institute of Advanced Studies


IAS Forum
Ground floor, South Wing, Wilkins Building
United Kingdom

Call for participants

Social Science and Humanities research with and on the national health service (NHS) has never been more urgent than in a post-pandemic context. However, interdisciplinary collaboration with health services presents particular issues ranging from practicalities of access, to expectations and differing disciplinary approaches between the clinical and the social/humanities. In this one day workshop, we seek to support and promote timely, interdisciplinary research that uses social sciences and humanities to respond to the important questions in health services. 

During the event, interdisciplinary expert panelists will share practical advice on overcoming challenges for early career researchers (ECRs), such as how to work on provider and policy timelines using ‘rapid ethnographic’ approaches, how to map out and collaborate with the various organisations involved in the provider and policy landscape, and finally how to apply practical approaches to widening inclusion in ethnographic research in the NHS 

We now invite applications from ECRs (PhD, postdoc, junior academics, those working in relevant contexts) who are conducting, or plan to undertake, ethnographic and social scientific/humanities work with, on, and/or about the NHS in the UK.  

Participants will be required to submit a piece of work-in-progress (article/ chapter/ grant application/ other) before the event, and agree to read and be prepared to comment on the work of their peers on the day. We aim to propose a special issue on NHS-related ethnographies based on the event, however this will depend on participant engagement and readiness for publication. More information will be provided to successful applicants at a later time. 

Travel stipends will be available on a competitive basis for those travelling from outside of London. Breakfast, lunch, and a wine reception will be provided on the day. We plan for this workshop to go ahead in-person, Covid-19 rules permitting. 

Application details


To apply, please send a short statement about your research (250 words) and a short bio (100 words) to:  
Rebecca Irons (Rebecca.irons@ucl.ac.uk) and Stephanie Kumpunen (stephanie.kumpunen.19@ucl.ac.uk) by 21st February 2022, with the title ‘NHS ECR Workshop’.  

Please indicate whether or not you would like to apply for a travel stipend with an estimation of costs, and indicate if you have any dietary requirements. 

Important dates 

  • 21 February 2022: deadline for research statement and bio 

  • 25 March 2022: Confirmation of participation 

  • 25 April 2022: Sharing draft work-in-progress 

  • 16 May 2022: Workshop