HYBRID: The 2021 Sylvia Townsend Warner Lecture
21 October 2021, 5:30 pm–8:30 pm

The Sylvia Townsend Warner Society is very pleased to announce that Professor David Trotter will be giving the 2021 Sylvia Townsend Warner Lecture. His subject is ‘“My Usual Despicable Hold on Life”: The View from Sylvia Townsend Warner's Diaries’.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All | UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni
- Yes
- Free
UCL English Department, UCL Press and Institute of Advanced Studies
IAS Common GroundGround Floor, South Wing, UCLGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
David Trotter is a specialist on British literature and cinema of the twentieth century. His many books include Paranoid modernism: literary experiment, psychosis, and the professionalization of English society (2001), Cinema and Modernism (2007) and Literature in the first media age: Britain between the wars (2013). Most recently he has published The Literature of Connection: Signal, Medium, Interface 1850-1950 (2020) and Brute Meaning (2020). He was King Edward VII Professor of English Literature at the University of Cambridge from 2002 to 2018, and is a Fellow of the British Academy.
The 2017 and 2019 Sylvia Townsend Warner Lectures were given by Maud Ellmann and Peter Swaab and are published by UCL Press in the Journal of the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society. They are freely available online as open access publications: After the Death of Don Juan: Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Spanish Novel and Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Possibilities of Freedom: The Sylvia Townsend Warner Society Lecture 2019.
The event will be live-streamed as well as face-to-face. The link for the online presentation will be posted shortly, and the lecture will be given onsite at the UCL Institute of Advanced Studies at Common Ground, South Wing, Wilkins Building, UCL, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT (see https://www.ucl.ac.uk/maps/downloads/campus-map-2014.pdf). Because of Covid restrictions there will be a limit of 35 for the onsite event, so you are advised to sign up on Eventbrite as soon as possible if you would like to attend.
The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception. The event is supported by UCL Press, the UCL English Department and the Institute for Advanced Studies.
All welcome. This is an hybrid event. Please note that there may be recording at some events. Please follow this FAQ link for more information. All our events are free but you can support the IAS here.