
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


UCL-Royal African Society Joint Seminar on Heritage and Politics in Africa

19 November 2015, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm

UCL-Royal African Society Seminar Series: Heritage and Politics in Africa - Bigger than the nation: a regional & community approach to heritage in the Horn of Africa

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Institute of Advanced Studies


IAS Common Ground, Ground Floor, South Wing, Wilkins Building

Bigger than the nation: a regional & community approach to heritage in the Horn of Africa

Dr Sada Mire (Leiden University)

We are pleased to announce that during the 2015/2016 academic year UCL African Studies (UCL Institute of Advanced Studies) and the Royal African Society will present a joint seminar series exploring issues of Heritage and Politics in Africa. The series will feature key invited speakers from a range of disciplines and approaches.