Below we outline the facilities and funding available at UCL to help with your collaborative project.
Spaces and Facilities
UCL East spaces include a Community Cinema; a Media Studio; Culture Lab: an Object Learning Studio and Exhibition Space; the Urban Room and Memory Workshop; the Slade Studio; and a Conservation Studio. Find out more
UCL Bloomsbury spaces include the IAS Common Ground and the Bloomsbury Theatre
UCL Collections
Archaeological, Archival, Artistic, Ethnographic and Scientific
- UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: an estimated 80,000 objects, making it one of the greatest collections of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology in the world
- UCL Libraries Collections: archives, manuscripts, rare books and digital materials
- UCL Art Museum: home to the university's collection of sculptures, paintings, prints and drawings from the 1490s to the present day
- UCL Ethnography Collection: about 2000 objects and 3000 photographs representing cultures from all five continents, with particular strengths in Africa and Oceania.
- UCL Science Collections: including world-firsts, Nobel Prize-winning experimental apparatus, prototypes and historical teaching aids across the fields of physiology, electrical and electronic engineering, medical physics and eugenics.
- UCL Grant Museum of Zoology: around 68,000 zoological specimens. Notable specimens include the world’s rarest skeleton, the quagga; thylacine specimens; dodo bones and fine collection of models including the Blaschka glass models, Ziegler wax models, and Vernon Edwards extinct fish models.
- UCL Galton Laboratory Book Collection: books, periodicals and pamphlets with a focus on statistics, genetics and the pseudoscience of eugenics, but also covering natural history, anatomy, mathematics, and anthropology.
Funding for UCL Staff
UCL Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Funding: opportunities to engage with people outside academia and develop collaborative projects
Trellis: bringing together artists, UCL researchers and east London communities to collaborate, create new knowledge, ideas and the potential for change or action.
IAS Creative Fellowships: The IAS has offered up to four Creative Fellowships annually since 2019, enabling creative artists to work with academics on specific projects. The next call for applications will be posted here. For previous work see the ARIEL Research page.
Research Institute for Collections Fellowships: Offered by UCL Libraries in order to unearth underrepresented voices and find new ways of engaging with collection stories and presenting them to wider society