
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)



Here you can connect with UCL academics working on or with creative and critical practices.

If you would like to be listed on this page please email lucy.stagg@ucl.ac.uk

UCL researchers

  • Tim Beasley-Murray (Arts Sciences), Director of the PhD in Creative Critical Writing and Academic Director of the Creative Humanities BA
  • Rebecca Birch (Arts Sciences), Lecturer in Creative Arts and Humanities Moving Image Practice at UCL and is an artist, film maker and researcher.
  • Nicole Brown (IOE - Culture, Communication & Media), a social researcher and author, whose expertise lies with social research practice, in particular physical and material representations of experiences.
  • Maja Fowkes and Reuben Fowkes (IAS), art historians, curators and co-directors of the Post-socialist Art Centre (PACT). Interested in art, ecology and climate change.
  • Haidy Geismar (Anthropology), new forms of cultural representation, the affects and effect of digitisation, the anthropology of art, critical museology.
  • Kristina Glushkova (UCL Enterprise), leads on innovation and partnership initiatives that bring industry and UCL experts together to develop strategic collaboration opportunities in the creative and cultural sectors.
  • Humera Iqbal (UCL Social Research Institute), a social and cultural psychologist interested in how arts and creative practices can help foster wellbeing.
  • Dalia Iskander (Anthropology), a medical anthropologist, interested in creativity, craft, art, play and health; creative practice and pedagogy.
  • Eric Langley (English), academic and creative writer
  • Leah Lovett (Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis), an artist and researcher developping arts-led approaches to bridge knowledge systems and enable community and stakeholder participation
  • Michał Murawski (Slavonic and East European Studies), an anthropologist of architecture and of cities, focuses on the complex social lives of monumental buildings.
  • Florian Mussgnug (SELCS),  Professor of Comparative Literature and Italian Studies, interested in intermediality, interdisciplinarity and co-creative research.
  • Mathelinda Nabugodi (SELCS), bringing together literary criticism with museums and archives. Also various initiatives aiming to create a space for community and exchange around creative critical or experimental forms of academic writing.
  • James O'Leary (Bartlett), Associate Professor of Architecture, interested in exploring the fertile territories where the discipline of architecture cross-pollinates with the other creative arts, addressing key emerging issues in contemporary culture and exploring the sites where these issues are made manifest.
  • Deborah Padfield (Slade), a visual artist specialising in lens-based media and intersectional practice and research within Fine Art and Medicine.
  • Kieren Reed (Slade), Professor of Fine Art, his practice encompasses sculpture, performance and installation, from studies in form to the production of architectural structures.
  • Jane Rendell (Bartlett), Professor of Critical Spatial Practice, combining architecture, art, feminism, history and psychoanalysis.
  • Marquard Smith (IOE - Culture, Communication & Media), curator, editor, and commissioner, combining arts education, artistic research and archives, with the future of the human in visual and material culture.
  • Uta Staiger (European Institute), Associate Professor of European Studies, looking at politics and aesthetics in the ideational and cultural dimensions of politics and policy in Europe.
  • Michael Stewart (Anthropology), integrating visual and textual anthropology, with contributions to practice-based research that double as outreach/ engagement.
  • Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen (SELCS), Professor of Scandinavian and Comparative Literature, i nterested in the inter-dependence of literature and materiality, literature and society - how publication formats, print cultures and visual cultures make literature 'matter'.  
  • Gregory Thompson (Arts Sciences), an award winning theatre director creating productions that combine ensemble performances with innovative stagings and actor-audience relationships.
  • Temenuga Trifonova (Arts Sciences), Creative Writing (fiction), Film Theory and Criticism, Aesthetic Theory, Cinema and the City, Screenwriting.

UCL PhD students

  • Albert Brenchat Aguilar (Bartlett), conducting history-based, critical theory-led research on 20th and 21st century architecture and material culture.