View all previous Africa-related events here. Events are sorted in reverse chronological order.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
- 2 December 2024: Roundtable: Struggles Against Slavery in West Africa Today
- 28 November 2024: Beyond Words: Non-Dialogical Public Reason in (Post) Revolutionary Tunisia
- 12 November 2024: Cape Canaveral of Africa
- 31 October 2024: BOOK TALK: Rethinking Revolution: Lessons from Tahrir for the 21st Century
- 14 October 2024: Resisting (neo)colonial violence: Childhoods in Congo, Palestine and Sudan
- 3 October 2024: IAS Book Launch: Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Short Fiction
- 16 July 2024: ONLINE: An Archive of Jamaican Fibre Plants
- 27 June 2024: Emergence of Stateness in Urban Development
- 26 June 2024: Africa PhD Talkgroup
- 5 June 2024: Workshop: Colonial Metabolisms, African Histories
- 17 May 2024: Against Development: Med Hondo's Migrant Cinema as a Practice of Antisystemic Worldmaking
- 13 May 2024: The Impossible Decolonisation of the Western Museum
- 6 March 2024: Sand pit session for those at UCL researching in/on Africa
- 27 February 2024: French but not (Q)White: Defining Frenchness for the 21st Century: Prof Mame-Fatou Niang
- 6 February 2024:The love of strangers: "mixed marriage", family and migration in Senegal
- 12 December 2023: Professor Olivette Otele: The politics of the body: body memory and healing
- 5 December 2023: Multiracial Identities in Colonial French Africa - Prof Rachel Jean-Baptiste (Stanford University)
- 16 November 2023: Join the official launch of the Centre for French and Francophone Research
- 16 November 2023: Dismantling Green Colonialism: Energy and Climate Justice in the Arab Region
- 26 October 2023: Black History is World History: G.W.F. Hegel, C.L.R. James and the Black Enlightenment
- 23 October 2023: Wealth, Land, and Property in Angola – a History of Dispossession, Slavery, and Inequality
- 6 October 2023: Camera rolls and mixtapes
- 25 May 2023: Of Uncertain Rank: The West India Regiments in British Imperial Culture
- 25-26 May 2023: The Critical Perspectives on Racism and Colonialism Conference
- 16 May 2023: In conversation with Sita Balani
- 3 May 2023: Gendering Racial Capitalism: British Women Investors in Transatlantic Slavery
- 17 April 2023: Book Launch 'On the Scale of the World: The Formation of Black Anticolonial Thought'
- 30 March 2023: IAS Book Launch: The Entangled Legacies of Empire
- 8 March 2023: Translation and colonization in the early modern Antilles
- 18 October 2022: Feminisms Reading Group: Silence in the Saudi and Nigerian Contemporary Novel
- 26 April 2022: IAS Book Launch: Colonial Legacies
- 7 April 2022: UCLDH online: Curating enslaved pasts of the Cape of Good Hope
- 30 October 2021: Print Style Evolution in Sierra Leone
- 28 October 2021: PPV #22: The Aesthetics of Revolution: Broadcasts from Accra
- 1 September 2021: Kenya Uprisings, Through the Leopard's Gaze
- 27 July 2021: HYENAS
- 16 June 2021: US Human Rights Violations and the Soweto Uprisings
- 12 June 2021: The Dangers of Sweetened Beverages in the African Diaspora
- 4 May 2021: IAS Festival: The Fragility of the Archive
- 24 September 2020: Africa in the Time of Coronavirus - Malawi: Colloquialism, Myths and Popular Responses
- 27 July 2020: Africa in the Time of Coronavirus - Fighting COVID-19 in Freetown: the value of community
- 19 June 2020: Africa in the Time of Coronavirus - Senegal: the role of international NGOs and the state
- 5 March 2020: Nairobi in the Making Landscapes of Time and Urban Belonging
- 6 February 2020: Picturing the Past: African photographic collections at the British Museum
- 23 January 2020: The Origins of Islam in Morocco: New Evidence from Volubilis and the Sahara
- 5 December 2019: African Studies Seminar: The rise and fall of African socialist thought in the global 20th century
- 21 November 2019: African Studies Seminar: Language change & evolution: dynamism of Sheng, a variety of Kenyan Swahili
- 6 November 2019: Chasing Shadows (Roger Canals, 2019)
- 31 October 2019: African Studies Seminar: Congolese Independence, Shared Memories
- 30 October 2019: Long Emancipation: Black Freedom as Conundrum
- 23 October 2019: IAS Waste: Inside-Out Earth - Residues of the Anthropocene in Africa
- 10 October 2019: African Studies Seminar: Reading the bloods
- 20 June 2019: African Studies Seminar: Book launch - Africa on the Contemporary London Stage
- 06 June 2019: African Studies Seminar: Social Capital, Inequality and Risk for Chronic Disease in South Africa
- 23 May 2019: African Studies Seminar: A Fistful of Shells
- 30 May 2019: African Studies Seminar: Cultural resistance and struggle in colonial and post-colonial Africa
- 21 March 2019: African Studies Seminar: Schools as Change Agents?
- 07 March 2019: African Studies Seminar: Extralegal Groups in Post-Conflict Liberia
- 21 February 2019: African Studies Seminar: The arts of oil - dis/enchantment and popular culture in Port Harcourt
- 31 January 2019: African Studies Seminar: To Invoke the Invisible
- 17 January 2019: African Studies Seminar: The New Slave Narrative and the Transitive Property of African Suffering
- 11 January 2019: Bridging the Divide Between African Diaspora Studies and African Studies: A Critical Workshop
- 06 December 2018: African Studies Seminar: Tatiana Thieme on ‘When the day hustle goes down, the night hustle goes up’
- 22 November 2018: African Studies Seminar: Marie Rodet on The Diambourou - Slavery and Emancipation in Kayes - Mali
- 25 October 2018: African Studies Seminar: Ini Dele-Adedeji on Known unkwowns and unknown unknowns
- 11 October 2018: African Studies Seminar: Hannah Höchner on Senegalese migrants’ children, homeland ‘returns’ ...
- 06 June 2018: African Studies Seminar: Stress in the suburbs - good selves versus safe selves in Johannesburg
- 21 March 2018: African Studies Seminar: The African Continental Free Trade Area and Economic Integration in Africa - the role of law
- 07 March 2018: African Studies Seminar: Film Screening and Q&A - The Diambourou: slavery and emancipation in Kayes - Mali
- 28 February 2018: African Studies Seminar: Boda Boda Rage - Economies of affection in the motorbike taxis of Kenya
- 21 February 2018: African Studies Seminar: The Chad-Cameroon Pipeline Project - A 15-year retrospective
- 31 January 2018: African Studies Seminar: Taken for a Ride - Grounding neoliberalism, precarious labour, and public transport in an African metropolis
- 18 January 2018: African Peoples and Pasts: Tracing the Trans-Saharan Gold Route from Morocco to Mali
- 17 January 2018: African Studies Seminar: Making Concessions - Power and ecstasis in the Congolese rainforest
- 06 December 2017: African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar: Higher education & the public good in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria & South Africa
- 23 November 2017: Narrative of Desire: The Politics of Exhibiting Culture and Displaying African Art
- 22 November 2017: African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar: Sustaining one another - enset, animals, and people in the southern highlands of Ethiopia
- 02 November 2017: African Studies Research Centre: South Africa's Domestic Political Economy and its Foreign Policy Implications
- 01 November 2017: African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar: Political work beyond the archives
- 25 October 2017: African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar: Quinine, malarial fevers and mobility in South-Central Africa
- 11 October 2017: African Studies Interdisciplinary Seminar: The economics of insurgencies in pre- and post-colonial northern Nigeria
- 16 March 2017: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Development planning and performance targets - the case of energy access and solar home systems users in Rwanda
- 25 May 2017: African Studies Seminar Series: On the question of non-racialism in South Africa
- 11 May 2017: Birthplace, Bloodline and Beyond: How 'Liberian Citizenship' Is Currently Constructed in Liberia and Abroad'
- 04 May 2017: Taxation and Development: From The Peasants' Revolt to the post-apartheid delivery service protests'
- 16 March 2017: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Development planning and performance targets - the case of energy access and solar home systems users in Rwanda
- 02 March 2017: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: School Absenteeism in Northern Malawi
- 16 February 2017: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Cobalt Blues - The Half Life of Oncology's Technologies in Uganda
- 09 February 2017: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Painting/Photography/Politics - Marlene Dumas and the Figuration of Difference
- 19 January 2017: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: A central African civilisation without hierarchy? Stylistic clues suggestive of an enduring 'Pygmy' civilisation
- 15 December 2016: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Childhood pneumonia in Malawi
- 01 December 2016: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: 'Better Men'
- 17 November 2016: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Gender, elections and representation - political settlement in Somaliland
- 27 October 2016: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: The gendered trajectory to old age in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
- 20 October 2016: African Studies Lunchtime Seminar: Cross-country analysis of youth opportunities and aspirations for TVET in sub-Saharan Africa
- 07 June 2016: Special African Studies Seminar: Local Resistance to an International Norm
- 10 May 2016: UCL-Royal African Society Joint Seminar on Heritage and Politics in Africa
- 10 May 2016: UCL-Royal African Society Seminar Series: The Heritage Implications of Infrastructural and Mining Sector Projects in Africa
- 27 April 2016: The African Diaspora, the Afro-Question and the Moving Image in the Americas
- 10 March 2016: UCL-Royal African Society Seminar Series: Historicising Afro-European Experiences - Heritage and politics of memory
- 29 January 2016: African Voices - Whose Agenda Is It? How African scientists struggle to contribute to innovation in the global health arena
- 28 January 2016: African Voices - Africa's Urban Paradox: Mobilities, economies and aspirations
- 22 January 2016: African Voices - Heritage, Marginality and Hybridity in the Gold Fields of Southeastern Senegal
- 20 January 2016: African Voices - Transport Systems and Well-being in Nigeria: Socio-economic development and environmental change