Exploiting digitalization, autonomous and communication/connection technologies, to improve decision making across infrastructure systems.
Current projects
The Aggregators as diGital Intermediaries in Local Electricity markets project (AGILE) is an ambitious proposal bringing together a variety of digital technologies that can enable the integration of a new form of distributed intermediation in energy markets.
More information on AGILE is available on the EPSRC grant details page.
Data Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure (DAFNI) is the UK’s next generation platform to support the development of essential infrastructure services, revolutionising the UK’s ability to adapt to a changing climate and technological landscape.
For further information visit the DAFNI website.
The Connected and autonomous plant (CAP) roadmap aims to revolutionise construction safety and bring productivity gains of £200 billion if adopted by 2040.
Find out more on the National Highways CAP project page.
Research within the Dynamic Digital Twins of Interconnected Energy and Transport Networks (DDT-IET) project aims to model how the rise of electric vehicle usage and homeworking in the UK will impact demand on both energy and transportation networks.
Find out more on the Alan Turing project page.
The Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Mineral-based Construction Materials (ICEC-MCM) project aims to develop the scientific and socio-economic understanding and technological basis for design and implementation of systems, processes and policy that will support the transition to a sustainable Circular Economy, particularly for built environment infrastructure, using case studies for mineral-based construction materials.
Find out more on the UCL ICEC-MCM page.
Past projects
- STDE: System Transition to Digital Energy
This study's overarching goal is to create a step change in our understanding of how digitalisation will impact on the pathway to decarbonise the energy sector.
More information on STDE.