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Table NM81: 1981 Census - non-LS members

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
CORENOUnique identifier of the LS member.NN
HHPERNOPerson number within household.YN
NNumber of record in table.NN
NAGE8Age. 1981.YN
NBYR48Year of birth. 1981.NN
NCC1YA8City centre of usual address one year ago. 1981.NY 
NCCUA8Conurbation/new town of usual residence. 1981.NN
NCOB8Country of birth. 1981.NY 
NCODI1Y8County District of usual address one year ago. 1981.NN
NDEPCHN8Dependent child indicator. 1981.YY 
NDIUA8County District of address of usual residence. 1981.NN
NECONAC8Economic activity last week. 1981.NY 
NFANUM8Family number of LS member's family within household of LS member. 1981.YY 
NFHIND8Head of LS Family Indicator. 1981.YY 
NHIQAL8Highest qualification. 1981.NY 
NHOHIND8Head of Household Indicator. 1981.YY 
NHRC8Relationship to head of household. 1981.NY 
NIND8Industry. 1981.NY 
NINDESZ8Size of establishment where employed. 1981.NY 
NLSRELT8Relationship of non-LS member to LS member. 1981.YY 
NMARST8Marital status. 1981.YY 
NOCO8Occupation order. 1981YY 
NOPOCC8Operational occupation code (Census code). 1981.NY 
NOPOCST8Operational occupation code (statistics code). 1981NY 
NOROCNF8Order on census file. 1981.YY 
NPAC1YA8Inner-city partnership authority area code (PAC) of usual address one year ago . 1981NN
NPACUA8Inner-city partnership authority area code (PAC) of usual address . 1981NY 
NQMLVHQ8Level of highest qualification at 1981 Census.YY 
NRELAT8Relationship of head of LS member's family to head of household. 1981.YY 
NSEG8Socio-economic group. 1981.YY 
NSEX8Sex. 1981.NY 
NSOC8Social class as defined by occupation at 1981 census. 1981.YY 
NSTATUS8Employment status (statistics code). 1981NY 
NTEMST8Employment status (census code). 1981.YY 
NURESID8Usual address indicator. 1981.NY 
NURONOR8Usual address one year ago indicator. 1981.YY 
NWELSH8Welsh-speaking indicator. 1981.YY 
NWERABO8Whereabouts on Census night. 1981.NY 
NWMFHID8Wife/Mother of LS Family Indicator. 1981.NY 

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