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Table NM11: 2011 Census - non-LS members

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
CORENOUnique Identifier of the LS Member.NN
HH_PERS_NOPerson number for the household. 2011.NN
LSRELAT11Relationship of non-LS member to LS member. 2011.YY 
LSRELATIMPImputation flag for relationship of other household member to LS Member. 2011.YY 
NACTLW11Activity last week. 2011.YY 
NACTLW11_IMPActivity last week imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
NAFROP11Armed Forces indicator (for Outputs). 2011.YY 
NAFRP11Armed forces indicator. 2011.YY 
NAGEARRP11Age of arrival in the UK. 2011YY 
NAGEP11Age. 2011.YY 
NAGEP11_IMPAge imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
NAGGDTWP11Aggregation of Distance travelled to work. 2011.YY 
NAGGLASTYRWRK11Year last worked (Aggregated). 2011.YY 
NAGGMAINLNG11Main language (Aggregated). 2011YY 
NAGGMAINLNGPRF11Main Language (English) proficiency (Aggregated). 2011.YY 
NAMAINLANGPRFP11Alternative main language (English) proficiency. 2011.YY 
NARRXMNTHAGO11Number of months since arrival to the UK. 2011.YY 
NARRXMNTHAGO11_IMPNumber of months since arrival to the UK imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
NAVAILW11Available for work. 2011.NY 
NCENSUSRTNP11Census response channel. 2011YY 
NCFSP11Child family status. 2011.YY 
NCOBP11Country of birth. 2011.NY 
NCOBP11_IMPCountry of birth imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
NDCHP11Dependent child indicator. 2011.YY 
NDOBYR11Year of birth. 2011NY 
NDPCFAM11Number of dependent children in family. 2011.YY 
NDTWALT1P11Alternative distance travelled to work. 2011.YY 
NDTWALT2P11Alternative distance travelled to work. 2011.YY 
NDTWP11Distance travelled to work. 2011.YY 
NECOP11Economic activity. 2011.YY 
NECOP81Economic position (coded for compatability with 1981, 1991 and 2001). 2011.YY 
NELARP11Living arrangements (Extended). 2011.YY 
NEMPLOY11Employment group. 2011.NY 
NEMPLYLWK11Employed last week. 2011.NY 
NEMPST11Employment status. 2011.YY 
NEMTP11Employment type. 2011.NY 
NEMTP11_IMPEmployment type imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
NETHGRP11Ethnicity. 2011.YY 
NETHNATID1P11Ethnic National Identity. 2011.YY 
NETHNI111Ethnicity Tick/Text indicator. 2011YY 
NETHP11Ethnic group. 2011.NY 
NETHP11_IMPEthnic group imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
NEVERW11_IMPEver worked imputation flag. 2011.YY 
NEVERWK11Ever worked. 2011.NY 
NFAMNO11Family number. 2011.YN
NFAMSIZE11Family size. 2011YY 
NFMSP11Family status. 2011.YY 
NFMTFAM11Family type. 2011.YY 
NFRELAT11Relationship to family reference person. 2011.
    NFRPP11Family Reference Person indicator. 2011.YY 
    NFT111Family type in generation 1. 2011.YY 
    NFT211Family type in generation 2. 2011.YY 
    NGENINFAM11Generation in family. 2011.YY 
    NGPARINDFAM11Grandparent family indicator. 2011.YY 
    NGRANDFAM11Grandparent/ grandchild family. 2011.YY 
    NHEAHOH11Head of Household. 2011.YY 
    NHEAP11General health. 2011.NY 
    NHEAP11_IMPGeneral health imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
    NHELP11Provision of unpaid care. 2011.NY 
    NHELP11_IMPProvision of unpaid care imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
    NHLQP11Highest qualification. 2011.YY 
    NHOUP11Hours worked. 2011.NY 
    NHOUP11_IMPHours worked imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
    NHRELAT11Relationship to household reference person. 2011.
      NHRPP11Household reference person indicator. 2011.YY 
      NIDENINT11National Identity (text). 2011.NY 
      NIDENINT11_IMPNational identity (text) imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NIDENUK11National identity (tick). 2011NY 
      NIDENUK11_IMPNational identity (tick) imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NILLP11Long-term health problem or disability. 2011.NY 
      NILLP11_IMPLong-term health problem or disability imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NINDGP11Industry (Group). 2011.YY 
      NINDP11Industry. 2011.YY 
      NINDP11_IMPIndustry Imputation Indicator. 2011.YY 
      NINTENTION11Intention to stay. 2011.NY 
      NINTENTION11_IMPIntention to stay imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NLANGPRF11English proficiency. 2011.NY 
      NLANGPRF11_IMPEnglish proficiency imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NLANP11_IMPWelsh language imputation indicator 2011.YY 
      NLANRP11Ability to read Welsh language. 2011.YY 
      NLANSP11Ability to speak Welsh language. 2011.YY 
      NLANUP11Abilty to understand Welsh language. 2011.YY 
      NLANWP11Ability to write Welsh language. 2011.YY 
      NLARP11Living arrangements. 2011.YY 
      NLOOKWK11Looking for work. 2011.NY 
      NLWYP11Year last worked. 2011.NY 
      NLWYP11_IMPYear last worked imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NMAINLANG11Main language. 2011.NY 
      NMAINLANG11_IMPMain language imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NMGRP11Moving group reference person. 2011.YY 
      NMHUPOS11Position of non- member within minimal household unit. 2011.YY 
      NMHUTYP11Minimal household type of non-member. 2011.YY 
      NMIG1NP11National park of migrant origin. 2011.NY 
      NMIGORIGIN11Country code of migrant origin. 2011.YY 
      NMIGP11Usual address 1 year ago. 2011.YY 
      NMSTP11Marital and civil partnership status. 2011.NY 
      NMSTP11_IMPMarital status imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NMTWP11Mode of transport to work. 2011.YY 
      NMTWP11_IMPMode of transport for work imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NMVGNUM11Moving group number. 2011YY 
      NMVGSIZ11Moving group size. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDBP11British national identity. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDCP11Cornish National Identity. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDEP11English National Identity. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDNIP11Northern Irish National Identity. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDOP11Other National Identity. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDSP11Scottish National Identity. 2011.YY 
      NNATIDWP11Welsh National Identity. 2011.YY 
      NNDPCFAM11Number of non-dependent children in a family. 2011.YY 
      NNPCD11National park of enumeration address. 2011.YY 
      NNPMIGORIGP11National park of migrant origin. 2011.YY 
      NNPSCADP11National park of second address. 2011.YY 
      NNSSP11National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC). 2011.YY 
      NOACP11Other activities. 2011.NY 
      NOCCP11Occupation. 2001YY 
      NOCCP11_IMPOccupation imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPASSPUK111UK passport held indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPASSPUK211Irish passport held indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPASSPUK311Other passport held indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPASSPUK411Holds a passport indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPENEXACTP11Exact Pension age on Census day indicator. 2011YY 
      NPENP011Pensionable age indicator (2001 definition). 2011.YY 
      NPENP111Pensionable age indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPOSP11Position in Communal Establishment. 2011.NY 
      NPOSP11_IMPPosition in Communal Establishment imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPOWP11Place of work indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPSPTEL11Passports held. 2011.NY 
      NPSPTEL11_IMPPassports held imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NPSSPRT11_IMPImputation indicator for PASSPUK111, PASSPUK112, PASSPUK113 and PASSPUK114.YY 
      NPTRANS11Public transport users in household. 2011.YY 
      NQUP11Qualifications. 2011.YY 
      NQUP11_IMPQualifications imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL01IMP11Relationship to person 1 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL02IMP11Relationship to person 2 imputation indicator. 2011YY 
      NREL03IMP11Relationship to person 3 imputation indicator. 2011YY 
      NREL04IMP11Relationship to person 4 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL05IMP11Relationship to person 5 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL06IMP11Relationship to person 6 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL07IMP11Relationship to person 7 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL08IMP11Relationship to person 8 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL09IMP11Relationship to person 9 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL10IMP11Relationship to person 10 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL11IMP11Relationship to person 11 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL12IMP11Relationship to person 12 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL13IMP11Relationship to person 13 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL14IMP11Relationship to person 14 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL15IMP11Relationship to person 15 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL16IMP11Relationship to person 16 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL17IMP11Relationship to person 17 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL18IMP11Relationship to person 18 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL19IMP11Relationship to person 19 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL20IMP11Relationship to person 20 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL21IMP11Relationship to person 21 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL22IMP11Relationship to person 22 imputation indicator. 2011.yN
      NREL23IMP11Relationship to person 23 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL24IMP11Relationship to person 24 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL25IMP11Relationship to person 25 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL26IMP11Relationship to person 26 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL27IMP11Relationship to person 27 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL28IMP11Relationship to person 28 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL29IMP11Relationship to person 29 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL2P111Relationship to Person 1. 2011YY 
      NREL2P111_IMPRelationship to Person 1 Imputation Indicator. 2011.YY 
      NREL30IMP11Relationship to person 30 imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NRELGP11Religion (grouped). 2011.YY 
      NRELP11Religion. 2011.NY 
      NRELTSHIP11Non-member's relationship to all other people in the household. 2011NY 
      NRESIDENT_TYPE11Resident Type. 2011.YY 
      NRETAINRetained record indicator. 2011.NY 
      NRGSC11Social class based on occupations coded to SOC2010. 2011.YY 
      NSCADDTYP11Second address type. 2011.NY 
      NSCADDTYP11_IMPSecond address type imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NSCADIND11Second address indicator. 2011.NY 
      NSCADIND11_IMPSecond address indicator imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NSCADINT11Country of second address. 2011.NY 
      NSCADINT11_IMPCountry of second address imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NSCADNP11Second address national park. 2011.YY 
      NSCADPCCTY11Country of postcode of second address. 2011.NY 
      NSCGP11Approximated Social Grade. 2011.YY 
      NSCLAD11Second Address Local Authority. 2011.NY 
      NSEG11Socio-economic group. 2011.YY 
      NSEX11Sex. 2011.NY 
      NSEX11_IMPSex imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NSOC2K11Occupation (SOC 2000 code). 2011.YY 
      NSSCADDCP11Stay at second address by country of second address. 2011.YY 
      NSTAINDP11Students living away from home during term time indicator. 2011.YY 
      NSTAP11Student accommodation. 2011.YY 
      NSTUP11Student indicator. 2011.NY 
      NSTUP11_IMPStudent indicator imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NSUMP11Supervisor. 2011.NY 
      NSUMP11_IMPSupervisor imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NTTIND11Term-time address indicator. 2011.NY 
      NTTIND11_IMPTerm-time address indicator imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NURESINDP11Usual resident indicator. 2011.YY 
      NWAITWK11Waiting for work. 2011.NY 
      NWF65PLP11Employment status of persons aged 65 and over. 2011.YY 
      NWG1FAM11Number of workers in generation one of family. 2011YY 
      NWKLAD11Local Authority District of Workplace address. 2011.N
      NWKPLINT11International workplace address indicator. 2011.NY 
      NWKPLINT11_IMPInternational workplace address indicator imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NWKPLNP11Workplace address national park. 2011.YY 
      NWKPLPCCTY11Country of workplace postcodeNY 
      NWNP11National park of workplace. 2011.YY 
      NWPCIND11Workplace indicator. 2011.NY 
      NWPCIND11_IMPWorkplace indicator imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NYRADIND11Address one year ago Response indicator. 2011NY 
      NYRADIND11_IMPAddress one year ago Response indicator imputation indicator. 2011YY 
      NYRADINT11Country of residence one year ago (non-UK). 2011.NY 
      NYRADINT11_IMPCountry of residence one year ago (non-UK) imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NYRADNP11Address 1 year ago national park. 2011.NY 
      NYRADPCCTY11Country of postcode 1 year agoNY 
      NYRARRMON11Month of arrival. 2011.NY 
      NYRARRMON11_IMPMonth of arrival in the UK imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NYRARRYEAR11Year of arrival in the UK. 2011.YY 
      NYRARYEAR11_IMPYear of arrival in the UK imputation indicator. 2011.YY 
      NYRLAD11Local Authority of address one year ago. 2011.NY 
      PRIMRECIndicator of whether or not primary record for LS member. 2011.YY 

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      CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS