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Table ME91x: Access restricted - 1991 Census - LS members

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
CORENOUnique identifier of the LS member.YN
DOBDY9Date of birth (Day). 1991.NN
DOBMT9Date of birth (Month). 1991.NN
EDCODE91991 Census Enumeration District.NN
ENUMPC9Postcode of enumeration of LS member. 1991.NN
FORMNUM9Form number. 1991.NN
NNumber of record in table.YN
NHSNO39LS member's NHS number - 1st three characters. 1991.YN
SOACODE9Scottish Output Area Code. 1991.YN
TERMDET9Student's term-time address. 1991.NN
TERMTEN9Term time address (10%). 1991.NN
URESDET9Usual address. 1991.NN
URONARE9Area code of address one year ago. 1991.YN
URONDET9Postcode of usual address one year ago. 1991.NN
WPLADET9Workplace postcode. 1991.YY 
WRD1YEA9Ward of usual address one year ago. 1991YN
WRDUAEA9Ward of usual address. 1991.YN

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