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Table ME81x: Access restricted - 1981 Census - LS members

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
AREACNH8Area code of address in 1939. 1981YN
BDY8Day of birth. 1981.NN
BMT8Month of birth. 1981.NN
BUBRUA8ONS building brick. 1981.NN
CORENOUnique identifier of the LS member.NN
DIEN8Enumeration District. 1981.NN
FORMNO8Form number. 1981.NN
NNumber of record in table.YN
NHSC81939 NHS code. 1981.NN
PRUNO8Processing unit number. 1981.NN
RECTYPERecord type. 1981 CensusYN
SERNO8Serial number of person on form. 1981.NN
WARD1YA8Ward of usual address one year ago. 1981.NN
WARDEN8Ward of enumeration. 1981.NN
WARDUA8Ward of usual residence (statistics code). 1981.NN

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