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Table ME81: 1981 Census - LS members

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
ACCESS8Shared access indicator. 1981.NY 
AGE8Age. 1981.YN
AGYDCLF8Age of youngest dependent child in LS member's family. 1981.YN
AHAUA8Area health authority. 1981.NY 
AMEN8Amenities Indicator. 1981.YY 
AYP8Age of youngest person in household. 1981.YN
BATH8Bath. 1981.YY 
BUTY8Building type. 1981.NY 
BYR48Year of birth. 1981.NN
CARS8Number of cars and vans available. 1981.NY 
CC1YA8City centre of usual address one year ago. 1981.NY 
CCH8Number of children (any age) in LS member's Census-type family.YN
CCUA8Conurbation/new town of usual residence. 1981.NN
CHILD8Number of persons in household aged under 16. 1981.YN
COB8Country of birth of LS member. 1981.NY 
CODI1YA8County District of usual address one year ago of LS member. 1981.NN
CODIEN8County District of enumeration (census code). 1981.NY 
CORENOUnique identifier of the LS member.NN
COUA8County of address of usual residence. 1981.NY 
DAUIND8Indicator for presence of daughter in household. 1981.YY 
DENSDJ8De jure density. 1981.YY 
DEPCHN8Dependent child indicator. 1981.YY 
DEPCHNB8Number of dependent children in household. 1981.YN
DFACTSP8De facto spouse indicator. 1981.YY 
DIUA8County District of address of usual residence. 1981.NN
DJHO8Number of persons usually resident in household. 1981.YN
DURELAT8Duplicate spouse or parent record indicator. 1981.YY 
ECONACT8Economic activity last week of LS member. 1981.NY 
EDTYPE8Enumeration district type. 1981.YY 
FAGE8Age of father. 1981.YN
FANUM8Family number of LS member's family within household of LS member. 1981.YY 
FEARN8Number of earners in LS member's family. 1981.YN
FECONA8Economic activity of father. 1981.YN
FFHTYPE8Family type of LS member's family. 1981.YY 
FHIND8Head of LS Family Indicator. 1981.YY 
FHIQAL8Highest qualification of father . 1981.YN
FIND8Industry of father. 1981.YN
FMARST8Marital status of father. 1981.YN
FOPCST8Operational occupation code (stats) of father. 1981.YN
FSEEK8Number of job seekers in LS member's family. 1981.YN
FSEG8Socio-economic group of father. 1981.YN
FSOC8Social class of father. 1981.YN
FTEMST8Expanded employment status of father. 1981.YN
GCIND8Indicator for presence of grandchild in household. 1981.YY 
HAGE8Age of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HAMEN8Household amenities indicator. 1981.YY 
HDUA8Health District of address of usual residence. 1981.NY 
HEARN8Number of earners in LS member's H/H. 1981.YN
HECONA8Economic activity of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HHAGE8Age of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHECONA8Economic activity of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHHIQAL8Highest qualification of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHIND8Industry of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHIQAL8Highest qualification of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HHMARST8Marital status of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHOPCST8Operational occupation code (stats) of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHSEG8Socio-economic group of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHSEX8Sex of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HHSOC8Social class of head of household. 1981.YN
HHTEMST8Expanded employment status of head of H/H. 1981.YN
HIND8Industry of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HIQAL8Highest qualification. 1981.NY 
HLSRLT8Relationship to LS member - husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HMARST8Marital status of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HOFAMTY8Household and family type - 1981 CensusYY 
HOHIND8Head of Household Indicator. 1981.YY 
HOPCST8Operational occupation code (stats) of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HRC8Relationship to head of household. 1981.NY 
HSEEK8Number of job seekers in LS member's H/H. 1981.YN
HSEG8Socio-economic group of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HSOC8Social class of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
HTEMST8Expanded employment status of husband/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
IND8Industry. 1981.NY 
INDESIZ8Size of establishment where employed. 1981.NY 
LSFDCAC8Number and age combination of dependent children (age <19) in family. 1981.YY 
LSPRIND8Position of LS member in household. 1981.YY 
MAGE8Age of mother. 1981.YN
MARST8Marital status. 1981.YY 
MECONA8Economic activity of mother. 1981.YN
MHIQAL8Highest qualification of mother. 1981.YN
MHUCOM8Combination of minimal household units within household. 1981.YY 
MHUPOS8Position of LS member within minimal household unit. 1981.YY 
MHUTYP8Minimal household unit type. 1981.YY 
MIG10810-Year migration indicator. 1981.YY 
MIGTYPE8Type of one-year migrant. 1981YY 
MIND8Industry of mother. 1981.YN
MMARST8Marital status of mother. 1981.YN
MOPCST8Operational occupation code (stats) of mother. 1981.YN
MSEG8Socio-economic group of mother. 1981.YN
MSOC8Social class of mother. 1981.YN
MTEMST8Expanded employment status of mother. 1981.YN
NNumber of record in table.NN
NETOUA8New Town. 1981NY 
NONPRIE8Type of communal establishment. 1981.NY 
NOOTHH8Number of other persons in household. 1981.YN
NOOTLFM8Number of other persons in LS member's family. 1981.YN
NOVISIT8Number of visitors. 1981YN
OAPIND8Number of persons in household aged 60 or over. 1981.YN
OCCS781981 Census occupation coded to 1970 (stats code) classification . 1981.NY 
OCDTIND8Occupation details indicator. 1981.YY 
OCO8Occupation order. 1981YY 
OPOCC8Operational occupation code (Census code). 1981.NY 
OPOCCST8Operational occupation code (statistics code). 1981NY 
ORIND8Indicator for presence of other relatives in household. 1981YY 
PAC1YA8Inner-city partnership authority area code (PAC) of usual address one year ago . 1981NN
PACUA8Inner-city partnership authority area code (PAC) of usual address . 1981NY 
PARIND8Indicator for the presence of parents(-in-law) or grandparents. 1981YY 
PERTYPE8Private/communal indicator. 1981YY 
QMLVHIQ8Level of highest qualification at 1981 Census.YY 
RECTYPERecord type. 1981 Census record.NN
RELAT8Relationship of head of LS member's family to head of household. 1981.YY 
RESCL8Classification of residents in communal establishments. 1981.YY 
REVMST8Revised marital status - 1981.YN
RHAUA8Regional Health Authority of address of usual residence. 1981NY 
ROOMS8Number of rooms in LS member's household. 1981.NN
SAIN8Sample indicator. 1981NY 
SCPRIND81981 LS Card processed in Scotland indicator.NY 
SEG8Socio-economic group. 1981.YY 
SEX8Sex. 1981.NY 
SHAR8Shared accomodation indicator. 1981.NY 
SIBIND8Indicator for the presence of siblings(-in-law) in the household. 1981.YY 
SOC8Social class as defined by occupation at 1981 census. 1981.YY 
SOCS781981 Census social class coded to 1970 classification.YY 
SONIND8Indicator for presence of sons(-in-law) in household. 1981.YY 
SPINDIC8Indicator for presence of partner in household. 1981.YY 
STATS781981 Census employment status coded to 1970 (statistics code) classification. 1981.YY 
STATUS8Employment status (statistics code). 1981NY 
STRGXUA8Standard region of address of usual residence. 1981.NY 
TEMST8Employment status (census code). 1981.YY 
TENURE8Housing tenure in 1981.NY 
URESIND8Usual address indicator. 1981.NY 
URONORI8Usual address one year ago indicator. 1981.YY 
WAGE8Age of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WCIN8Inside WC - 1981 Census.NY 
WCOUT8Outside WC - 1981 Census.NY 
WECONA8Economic activity of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WELSH8Welsh-speaking indicator. 1981.YY 
WERABOU8Whereabouts on Census night. 1981.NY 
WHIQAL8Highest qualification of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WIND8Industry of wife. 1981.YN
WLSRLT8Relationship to LS member - wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WMARST8Marital status of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WMFHIND8Wife/Mother of LS Family Indicator. 1981.NY 
WMOHOIN8Wholly moving household indicator. 1981.YY 
WOPCST8Operational occupation code (stats) of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WSEG8Socio-economic group of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WSOC8Social class of wife/ de facto spouse. 1981.YN
WTEMST8Expanded employment status of wife/de facto spouse. 1981.YN

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