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Table IDFIx: Access restricted - Infant mortality - infant death of a birth to sample father (birth years 1976-1978)

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
BIDYCDIMDay of birth of deceased infant of LS member.NN
BUBREBIMExpanded area code for usual address of sample mother - ONS building brick 1971 - 1981.NN
BUBREIMAddress of usual residence recorded at infant death to LS member - ONS building brick.NN
CORENOUnique identifier of the LS member.YN
EVENTORDEvent order for this event and this LS member.YN
FABIDYIMDay of birth (where date discrepant) of sample father of child born.NN
FABIMTIMMonth of birth (where discrepant) of sample father.NN
MOBIDYIMDay of birth of deceased child's mother.NN
MOBIMTIMMonth of birth of deceased child's mother.NN
NNumber of record in table.YN
NHSDSBIMNational Health Service number (1971 - 1987): Registration district/Sub-district of birth.NN
NHSDSUIMRegistration district/sub-district of neonatal birth.NN
NHSRQBIMNational Health Service number (1971 - 1987): Quarter of registration of birth.NN
NHSRQUIMNational Health Service number (1971 - 1987): Quarter of registration of birth.NN
NHSRYRIMNational Health Service number (1971 - 1987): Year of registration of birth.NN
NHSYRBIMNational Health Service number (1971 - 1987): Year of registration.NN
RECTYPERecord type.YN
REDISBIMRegistration district of birth to sample father.NN
REDISDIMRegistration district where infant death to LS member registeredNN
REENABIMRegistration entry number of birth to sample father.NN
REENBBIMNational Health Service number (1971 - 1987). Entry number in birth register.NN
REENBIMNational Health Service number (1988 onwards). Entry number in birth register.NN
REENGDIMRegistration entry number of infant death to LS member.NN
RESUABIMRegistration sub-district of birth to sample father.NN
RESUBDIMRegistration sub-district where infant death to LS member registeredNN

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CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS