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Table IFPC: Internal migration (1971-1974)

Variable nameShort descriptionKeywordDerived?Codelist exists?
CORENOUnique identifier of the LS member.NN
EDATEFPEvent date.NN
EVDYGFPDay of acceptance on an EC/FPC register.NN
EVENTORDEvent order for this event and this LS member.YN
EVMTGFPMonth of acceptance on an EC/FPC register.NN
EVYRGFPYear of acceptance on an EC/FPC register.NN
NNumber of record in table.NN
PARAFPArea of present FPCNN
PSARAFPArea of previous FPCNN
PSSTRGFPStandard region of previous FPC.NN
PSTRGAFPStandard region of present FPC.NN
RECTYPELS member's Inter-FPC record.NN
SABIYRFPYear of birth (where discrepant) of inter-FPC moverNN
SEXLSAFPSex (where discrepant) of inter-FPC mover.NN

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