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HDECTEN9: Tenure and economic activity of usually resident head of household. 1991.

From table ME91: 1991 Census - LS members

1H/h is owner occupied - Head is economically active unemployed student
2H/h is owner occupied - Head is economically active other student
3H/h is owner occupied - Head is economically active unemployed non-student
4H/h is owner occupied - Head is economically active other non-student
5H/h is owner occupied - Head is economically inactive
6H/h is rented privately or with job or business - Head is economically active unemployed student
7H/h is rented privately or with job or business - Head is economically active other student
8H/h is rented privately or with job or business - Head is economically active unemployed non-student
9H/h is rented privately or with job or business - Head is economically active other non-student
10H/h is rented privately or with job or business - Head is economically inactive
11H/h is rented from a housing assoc. - Head is economically active unemployed student
12H/h is rented from a housing assoc. - Head is economically active other student
13H/h is rented from a housing assoc. - Head is economically active unemployed non-student
14H/h is rented from a housing assoc. - Head is economically active other non-student
15H/h is rented from a housing assoc. - Head is economically inactive
16H/h is rented from a local authority - Head is economically active unemployed student
17H/h is rented from a local authority - Head is economically active other student
18H/h is rented from a local authority - Head is economically active unemployed non-student
19H/h is rented from a local authority - Head is economically active other non-student
20H/h is rented from a local authority - Head is economically inactive
21H/h is rented from a new town - Head is economically active unemployed student
22H/h is rented from a new town - Head is economically active other student
23H/h is rented from a new town - Head is economically active unemployed non-student
24H/h is rented from a new town - Head is economically active other non-student
25H/h is rented from a new town - Head is economically inactive
26H/h is rented from Scottish Homes - Head is economically active unemployed student
27H/h is rented from Scottish Homes - Head is economically active other student
28H/h is rented from Scottish Homes - Head is economically active unemployed non-student
29H/h is rented from Scottish Homes - Head is economically active other non-student
30H/h is rented from Scottish Homes - Head is economically inactive

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS