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AGSCOB9: Age by 'Born within/outside the UK'. 1991.

From table ME91: 1991 Census - LS members

0Person not usually resident
1Born Inside the UK - Person aged 0-4
2Born Inside the UK - Person aged 5-15
3Born Inside the UK - Person aged 16-29
4Born Inside the UK - Person aged 30-44
5Born Inside the UK - Person aged 45 to pensionable age
6Born Inside the UK - Person from pensionable age to 74 years of age
7Born Inside the UK - Person aged 75 and over
8Born Outside the UK - Person aged 0-4
9Born Outside the UK - Person aged 5-15
10Born Outside the UK - Person aged 16-29
11Born Outside the UK - Person aged 30-44
12Born Outside the UK - Person aged 45 to pensionable age
13Born Outside the UK - Person from pensionable age to 74 years of age
14Born Outside the UK - Person aged 75 and over

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS