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AGCNCHA9: Age composition of usually resident persons household. 1991.

From table ME91: 1991 Census - LS members

1Households with no adults usually resident
2Household with one pensionable age adult no usually resident dependent children
3Household with one adult under pensionable age with no usually resident dependent children
4Household with one adult of any age with one or more usually resident dependent children
5Household with one male and one female and no usually resident dep children
6Household with one male and one female and 1+ usually resident dep children
7Household with two adults, both male or both female and no usually resident dep children
8Household with two adults, both male or both female and 1+ usually resident dep children
9Household with three or more adults, male(s) and female(s) and no usually resident dep children
9Household with three or more adults, male(s) and female(s) and no usually resident dep children
10Household with three or more adults, male(s) and female(s) and 1+ usually resident dep children
11Household with three or more adults, all males or all females and no usually resident dep children
12Household with three or more adults, all males or all females and 1+ usually resident dep children.

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS