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NSSH0: Household reference person NSSEC. 2001.

From table ME01: 2001 Census - LS members

1Employers in large organisation
2Higher managerial
3Higher professionals (traditional) - employees
4Higher professionals (new) - employees
5Higher professionals (traditional) - self employed
6Higher professionals (new) - self employed
7Lower professionals and higher technical (traditional) - employees
8Lower professionals and higher technical (new) - employees
9Lower professionals and higher technical (traditional) - self employed
10Lower professionals and higher technical (new) - self employed
11Lower managerial
12Higher supervisory
13Intermediate clerical and administrative
14Intermediate sales and service
15Intermediate technical and auxiliary
16Intermediate engineering
17Employers in small organisations (non-professional)
18Employers in small organisations (agriculture)
19Own account workers (non-professional)
20Own account workers (agriculture)
21Lower supervisory
22Lower technical craft
23Lower technical process operative
24Semi-routine sales
25Semi-routine service
26Semi-routine technical
27Semi-routine operative
28Semi-routine agriculture
29Semi-routine clerical
30Semi-routine childcare
31Routine sales and service
32Routine production
33Routine technical
34Routine operative
35Routine agricultural
36Never worked
37Long-term unemployed
38Full-time students
39Occupations not coded
40Not classifiable for other reasons
-5Not applicable (communal establishments)
-6Missing (unable to derive due to initial extract only input record)
-9No code required

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS