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AHTH0: Alternative household type. 2001.

From table ME01: 2001 Census - LS members

0Married couple household with dependent child(ren)
1Married couple household with no dependent children
2Cohabiting couple household with dependent child(ren)
3Cohabiting couple household with no dependent children
4Lone parent household with dependent child(ren)
5Lone parent household with no dependent child(ren)
6Same-sex couple household with dependent child(ren)
7Same-sex couple household with no dependent children
8One person household
9Multi person household all student
-5Missing (Communal establishment)
10Multi person household other
-6Missing (unable to derive due to initial extract only input record)
-9Not applicable (households with no residents)

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS