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VARIABLE LABELS AGDC5DIM "Age of deceased infant of LS member.".
-9 "Missing"
1 "under 30 minutes"
10 "2 weeks (14-20 days)"
11 "3 weeks (21-27 days)"
12 "4 weeks (28-30 days)"
13 "2 months"
14 "3 months"
15 "4 months"
16 "5 months"
17 "6 months"
18 "7 months"
19 "8 months"
2 "under 1 day"
20 "9 months"
21 "10 months"
22 "11 months"
23 "over 1 year"
3 "1 day"
4 "2 days"
5 "3 days"
6 "4 days"
7 "5 days"
8 "6 days"
9 "1 week (7-13 days)".

VARIABLE LABELS BIWGRIM "Birthweight (grammes) of birth to sample mother.".
-7 "Not known".

VARIABLE LABELS CESRSRIM "Communal Establishment code of residence".
-8 "Not applicable"
-9 "Not Known".

VARIABLE LABELS CESTAYIM "Duration of stay in a communal establishment (1993 onwards). Death of child of LSM.".
-5 "Not applicable"
-6 "Not known"
-9 "Not coded"
1 "Under 6 months"
2 "Over 6 months".

VARIABLE LABELS ESTYPDIM "Establishment type where death occurred (1993 onwards). Death of child of LSM.".
1 "NHS or NON NHS; General Hospital (including convalescent)"
10 "NHS or NON NHS; Mental Nursing Home"
11 "NHS or NON NHS; Psychiatric Hospital-Security"
12 "NON NHS; Mental Holiday Home"
13 "NON NHS; Mental Aftercare"
14 "NON NHS; Mentally Infirm (Aged)"
15 "NON NHS; Mental Rehabilitation"
16 "NON NHS; School for Mentally Retarded Children"
17 "NON NHS; Home for the Subnormal"
18 "NON NHS; Maternity Hospital"
18 "NHS; Maternity"
19 "NON NHS; Military Hospital"
2 "NHS; Sanatoria"
20 "NON NHS; Private Nursing Home"
21 "NHS; Medical Nursing Home"
22 "NON NHS; Private Nursing Home (Aged)"
23 "NON NHS; Drug Abuse Unit"
24 "NON NHS; Holiday Home, Hostel"
25 "NON NHS; Holiday Home, Hostel-children"
26 "NON NHS; Miners Training Centre"
27 "NON NHS; Nurses Training Centre"
28 "NON NHS; Temporary Accomodation for those in need"
29 "NON NHS; Training Ship"
3 "NHS or NON NHS; Geriatric Hospital or Unit"
30 "NON NHS; Unmarried Mothers Home"
31 "NON NHS; Weekend Training College"
32 "NON NHS; Residential Home-Private"
33 "NON NHS; Residential Home-Local Auth."
34 "NON NHS; Assessment Centre"
35 "NON NHS; Boarding and Day School"
36 "NON NHS; Community Home (for Adolescents)"
37 "NON NHS; Common Lodging House"
38 "NON NHS; Detention Centre"
39 "NON NHS; Hostel-not otherwise stated"
4 "NHS or NON NHS; Chronic sick"
40 "NON NHS; Home for Disabled/Handicapped Persons(SCOPE)"
41 "NON NHS; Hostel (Girls)"
42 "NON NHS; Reception Centre"
43 "NON NHS; Rehabilitation Centre"
44 "NON NHS; University Hostel, College, Hall of Residence"
45 "NON NHS; Home for the Blind (Aged)"
46 "NON NHS; Approved School"
47 "NON NHS; Home for the Blind"
48 "NON NHS; Boarding School"
49 "NON NHS; Borstal/Custody Centre"
5 "NHS or NON NHS; Psychiatric Hospital"
50 "NON NHS; Boarding School for the Blind"
51 "NON NHS; Childrens Home"
52 "NON NHS; Convent"
53 "NON NHS; Deaf Home"
54 "NON NHS; Deaf and Dumb Home"
55 "NON NHS; Displaced Persons"
56 "NON NHS; Disabled Persons Home"
57 "NON NHS; Epileptic Home"
58 "NON NHS; Hostel (Boys)"
59 "NON NHS; Home of Rest"
6 "NHS; Psychiatric Unit"
60 "NON NHS; Home for Disabled Ex Servicemen"
61 "NON NHS; Homes for Incurables/Inebriates (Mainly Cheshire Homes)"
62 "NON NHS; Junior Training Centre"
63 "NON NHS; Lepers Homes"
64 "NON NHS; Monastery"
65 "NON NHS; Nurses Home"
66 "NON NHS; Orphanage"
67 "NON NHS; Prison"
68 "NON NHS; Probation Hostel"
69 "NON NHS; Residential Education Centre"
7 "NHS or NON NHS; Mental Hostel"
70 "NON NHS; Remand Home"
71 "NON NHS; Residential Nursery"
72 "NON NHS; Religious Retreat"
73 "NON NHS; Research Unit"
74 "NON NHS; Students Hostel"
75 "NON NHS; School for Handicapped Children"
76 "NON NHS; Special School"
77 "NON NHS; Training Centre/College"
78 "NON NHS; Training Home"
79 "NON NHS; Workers Hostel"
8 "NHS or NON NHS; Mentally Handicapped-adults"
80 "NON NHS; Welfare Institute"
83 "NHS or NON NHS; Hospice"
9 "NHS or NON NHS; Mentally Handicapped-children"
97 "NON NHS; Scottish Communal Establishment"
98 "NON NHS; Abroad Communal Establishment"
99 "NON NHS; Multi Function Site".

VARIABLE LABELS MLCSAIM "Multiple code for birth to sample mother.".
-9 "Missing"
0 "Twins ; 2 live born males"
1 "Twins ; 1 live born male and 1 live born female"
10 "Triplets ; 3 live born males"
11 "Triplets ; 2 live born males and 1 live born female"
12 "Triplets ; 1 live born male and 2 live born females"
13 "Triplets ; 3 live born females"
14 "Triplets ; 2 live born males and 1 still born male"
15 "Triplets ; 2 live born males and 1 still born female"
16 "Triplets ; 1 live born male, 1 live born female and 1 still"
17 "Triplets ; 1 live born male, 1 live born female and 1 still"
18 "Triplets ; 2 live born females and 1 still born male"
19 "Triplets ; 2 live born females and 1 still born female"
2 "Twins ; 2 live born females"
20 "Triplets ; 1 live born male and 2 still born males"
21 "Triplets ; 1 live born male, 1 still born male and 1 still b"
22 "Triplets ; 1 live born male and 2 still born females"
23 "Triplets ; 1 live born female and 2 still born males"
24 "Triplets ; 1 live born female, 1 still born male and 1 still"
25 "Triplets ; 1 live born female and 2 still born females"
26 "Triplets ; 3 still born males"
27 "Triplets ; 2 still born males and 1 still born female"
28 "Triplets ; 1 still born male and 2 still born females"
29 "Triplets ; 3 still born females"
3 "Twins ; 1 live born male and 1 still born male"
4 "Twins ; 1 live born male and 1 still born female"
5 "Twins ; 1 live born female and 1 still born male"
6 "Twins ; 1 live born female and 1 still born female"
7 "Twins ; 2 still born males"
8 "Twins ; 1 still born male and 1 still born female"
9 "Twins ; 2 still born females"
99 "Quadruplets or more".

VARIABLE LABELS PMQCORIM "Indicates where the medical information comes from".
-8 "Not applicable"
-9 "Not known"
1 "Coroner's post-mortem with or without inquest"
2 "Coroner's inquest and no post-mortem"
3 "Coroner's inquest and post-mortem information unknown".

VARIABLE LABELS PMQDOCIM "Indicates the number circled on the medical certificate".
-8 "Not applicable"
-9 "Not known"
1 "The certified cause of death takes account of information obtained from post-mortem"
2 "Information from post-mortem may be available later"
3 "Post mortem not being held"
4 "I have reported this death to the coroner for further action"
9 "No number circled".

VARIABLE LABELS RSS2KBIM "Indicator used to identify how record has come in (Births)".
-8 "Not applicable"
-9 "Not known"
1 "On disk from Register Office (RSS)"
2 "via email (GROnet)"
3 "RoN data".

VARIABLE LABELS RSS2KDIM "Indicator used to identify how record has come in (Deaths)".
-8 "Not Applicable"
-9 "Not known"
1 "On disk from Register Office (RSS)"
2 "via email (GROnet)"
3 "RoN data".

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS