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Classification metadata

classificationfullnameACORN-type Ward-Based Classification 1981
descriptiongeneralThe ACORN classification was developed by CACI Market Analysis to classify every address in Great Britain into one of 39 neighboroughood types, according to the residential area in which the address is situated. These neighbourhood types may be aggregated to form 11 'families'.
descriptionlsThe version used in the LS is similar to the CACI ACORN classification but it is based on wards instead of enumerated districts and comprises a different scheme of neighbourhood types and 'families'. The classification scheme is based on an analysis of 40 Census Small Area Statistics (SAS) variables from the 1981 Census data. The variables, which reflect the demographic structure of the local authority area, household composition, housing conditions, socio-economic structure and employment structure, were known to discriminate well between different types of area and to be highly correlated with important variables. (See LS User Guide 7, pp 23-24 for further information on Small Area Statistics). The descriptive label given to each neighbourhood type identifies its most distinctive characteristics. Several hundred LS members (in England and Wales) are assigned one of the four categories labelled 'Scottish areas' (neighbourhood types 27-30). This may seem anomalous but is explained by the fact that there are a small number of wards in England and Wales which are included in clusters mainly comprised of Scottish wards because of their similar characteristics.
refsCreeser R (1991) 'LS User Guide 7 An introduction to the area based variables in the LS' pp 30-32

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS