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Classification metadata

classificationfullnameCambridge Scale of Classification
descriptiongeneralThe Cambridge Scale of occupations provides a broad measure of social stratification and social inequality. Conceptually it is based upon the assumption that the major basis of social inequality is differentials in employment and that social interaction 'on the basis of equality' (friendship/marriage) reflects these differentials. (see LS User Manual) The Cambridge Score is a measure of similarity of lifestyle, and therefore generalised advantage or disadvantage. The scale is a continuous measure of social and material advantages, which is its proponents would claim are indivisible concepts. Scale scores represent an occupational unit's relative position within the national order of social interaction and stratification. Separate scales are produced for men and women. This is based on the assumption that men and women in the same occupational category do not necessarily occupy the same position in the structure of social advantage or disadvantage. The Cambridge Scale is part of a wider international project in industrialised nations: Cambridge Social Interaction and Stratification Scale (CAMSIS), to provide an alternative measure of social stratification than social class or socio-economic approaches. It differs from a traditional Social Class or Socio-economic Group (SEG) approach in the move away from the attempt to define social positions through a few distinct categories towards a concern with measuring social gradients through social interactions.
descriptionls1971 Cambridge scores for LS members are obtained from a lookup table which contains the scores assigned to all occupational unit groups in the 1970 OPCS Classification of Occupations, and employment status. The calculation of 1981 scores is similar, but differs because the lookup table contains occupational unit groups in the 1980 OPCS Classification of Occupations. 1991 scores are based on occupations coded to SOC90. Scores are given to two decimal places, with 4-digits in all; the range is 0.01 - 99.99, held in the LS as 0001-9999. Where LS data is not available, 0000 is allocated.
startdateCensus 1971
refsOPCS Longitudinal Study User Manual. SSRU. November 1990

CeLSIUS data dictionary based on original version supplied by ONS