Gao, J., Nyhan, J., Duke-Williams, O. and Mahony, S. (2023), 'Exploring international collaboration and language dynamics in Digital Humanities: insights from co-authorship networks in canonical journals', Journal of Documentation, Vol. 79 No. 7, pp. 240-260.
Mahony, S. & Fu, Yaming. (2023). 'Digital Humanities and the Library: Research Partners?'. In, Dewar, Serena (Ed.). Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2022. Sheffield: The Digital Humanities Institute, 2023. Available online at:
Fu, Y., Mahony, S., & Liu, W. (2023). 'Reconstruction of cultural memory through digital storytelling: A case study of Shanghai Memory project.' Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, fqad044. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery).
Fu, Y., & Mahony, S. (2023). 'Toward implementing equality, diversity, and inclusion for virtual conferences within the LIS professions.' Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 0(0). (Open Access) (UCL Discovery).
Mahony, S. (2022). The open agenda: 'Why openness and transparency are needed.' Information Matters, Vol. 2, Issue 5. (Open Access)
Mahony, S. (2022). 'Western Classics as part of the Chinese Undergraduate Curriculum.' Institute of Classical Studies.
Mahony, S. (2022). 'Toward openness and transparency to better facilitate knowledge creation.' Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 1– 15. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery).
Gao, J., Nyhan, J., Duke-Williams, O. and Mahony, S. (2022), 'Gender influences in Digital Humanities co-authorship networks', Journal of Documentation, Vol. 78 No. 7, pp. 327-350. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery).
Mahony, S. (2021) 'Classical Studies in Mainland China.' Institute of Classical Studies.
Kamposiori, C., Warwick, C., Mahony, S. (2021) 'Embedding creativity into digital resources: Improving information discovery for art history', Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, (Open Access) (UCL Discovery).
Walsh, J. A., Cobb, P. J., de Fremery, W., Golub, K., Keah, H., Kim, J., Kiplang'at, J., Liu, Y.-H., Mahony, S., Oh, S. G., Sula, C. A., Underwood, T., & Wang, X. (2021). 'Digital humanities in the iSchool.' Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 1– 16. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery).
Mahony S., Fu Y. (2021) 'Encouraging Diversity of Dialogue as Part of the iSchools Agenda'. In: Toeppe K., Yan H., Chu S.K.W. (eds) Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. iConference 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12646. Springer, Cham. (UCL Discovery).
Mahony, S. (2020) 'Language and the Subjects of Study in the Digital Humanities'. Comparative Literature in China, Shanghai Foreign Studies University; Chinese Comparative Literature Society; ISSN: 1006-6101. DOI:10.16234/j.cnki.cn31-1694/i.2020.01.011 (publishers website) (UCL Discovery).
Mahony, S. (2020) 'The Implementation of UNESCO Memory of the World Material in Academic Teaching', UNESCO Memory of the World, International Advisory Committee, Sub-Committee on Education and Research, SCEaR Newsletter 20 p.29-34. (Open Access)
Kamposiori, C., Warwick, C., Mahony, S. (2020). 'The Impact of Digitization and Digital Resource Design on the Scholarly Workflow in Art History'. International Journal for Digital Art History, no. 4 (February), 3.11-3.27. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery)
Dunn, S. & Mahony, S. (2019) (Eds) The Digital Classicist 2013. Humanities Digital Library. University of London Press. (Open Access)
Loboda, O., Nyhan, J., Mahony, S., Romano, D. M. and Terras, M. (2019). 'Content-based Recommender Systems for Heritage: developing a personalised museum tour', in Proceedings of 1st International 'Alan Turing' Conference on Decision Support and Recommender Systems (DSRS-Turing 2019). London, UK. Available at:
Mahony, S. & Gao, J. (2019) 'Linguistic and Cultural Hegemony in the Digital Humanities', Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2018, Digital Humanities Institute, University of Sheffield. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery)
Mahony, S. (2019) 'Review of Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Texts and Manuscripts: Digital Approaches, Brepols 2014'. Varients, The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 2019:14 (UCL Discovery)
Franzini, G., Terras, M., & Mahony, S. (2019). 'Digital Editions of Text: Surveying User Requirements in the Digital Humanities', Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) February 2019 Article No: 1 DOI: (UCL Discovery)
Kamposiori, C., Warwick, C., & Mahony, S. (2018). Accessing and using digital libraries in art history. Digital Research and Education in Architectural Heritage, 817, 83-101. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-76992-9_6 (UCL Discovery)
Loboda, O., Nyhan, J., Mahony, S., & Romano, D. (2018) Towards evaluating the impact of recommender systems on visitor experience in physical museums. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Mobile Access to Cultural Heritage co-located with 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Mobile HCI 2018). CEUR. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery)
Mahony, S. (2018 ) 'Cultural Diversity and the Digital Humanities', Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences pp. 1-18. Springer. (Open Access) (UCL Discovery). DOI:
Mahony, S. (2018) 'Reflections on knowledge production within the framework of UK academic institutions' Sagástegui, Diana (Ed). Producción del conocimiento en las sociedades contemporáneas [Knowledge production in contemporary societies], México: Universidad de Guadalajara. (UCL Discovery) Full volume online as PDF on the publisher's website.
Mahony, S, (2017). 'The Digital Classicist: building a Digital Humanities Community', Digital Humanities Quarterly 11:3. Open Access publication. (UCL Discovery).
Gao, J., Duke-Williams, O., Mahony, S., Bold, M. R., & Nyhan, J.(2017). 'The intellectual structure of digital humanities: An author co-citation analysis'. In R. Lewis, C. Raynor, D. Forest,M. Sinatra, & S. Sinclair (Eds.), 12th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, DH 2017. Conference Abstracts. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
Kamposiori, C., Warwick, C., & Mahony, S. (2017). 'Building Personal Collections in Art History'. In: Champion, E., Dallas, C., & Benardou, A. (eds.), Cultural Heritage Digital Tools and Infrastructures. Ashgate, UK. Publisher's website
Bodard, G. & Mahony, S. (Eds) (2016) Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity. Routledge.
Steiner, K. and Mahony, S. (2016). 'How are digital methods changing research in the study of the classical world? An EpiDoc case study'. Panta Rei. Revista Digital de Ciencia y Didáctica de la Historia, 125-148. ISSNe: 2386-8864 DOI: 10.6018/pantarei/2016/8 Open Access Publication. (UCL Discovery)
Mahony, S. (2016). 'Open Education and Open Educational Resources for the Teaching of Classics in the UK'. In: Romanello, M & Bodard, G (eds.) Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement, Pp. 33-50. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: License: CC-BY 4.0. (UCL Discovery) Download from the Publisher's website.
Campagnolo, A, Giacometti, A, MacDonald, L, Mahony, S, Terras, M and Gibson, A. (2016). 'Cultural Heritage Destruction: Experiments with Parchment and Multispectral Imaging'. In: Romanello, M & Bodard, G (eds.) Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement, Pp. 121-146. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: 10.5334/bat.h . License: CC-BY 4.0. (UCL Discovery) Download from the Publisher's website.
Franzini, G., Mahony, S., and Terras, M. (2016), 'A Catalogue of Digital Editions.' In: Pierazzo, E. and Driscoll, M. J. (eds) Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices, Open Book Publishers. Download from the Publisher's website.
Mahony, S; Nyhan, J; Terras, M and Tiedau, U (2016) 'Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Integrative Learning and New Ways of Thinking About Studying the Humanities'.In: Clare Mills, Michael Pidd and Jessica Williams. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2014. Studies in the Digital Humanities. Sheffield: HRI Online Publications, 2014. Open Access.
Giacometti A, Terras MM, Campagnolo A, macdonald L, Mahony S, Robson S, Weyrich T, Gibson A (2015), 'The Value of Critical Destruction: Evaluating Multispectral Image Processing Methods for the Analysis of Primary Historical Texts', Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Download from the Publisher's website.
Welsh, A., Bikakis, A., Garea Garcia, N., Mahony, S., Inskip, C., & Vogel, M. (2015). 'Work in Progress: the Linked Open Bibliographic Data Project'. Catalogue and Index (178), 15-19. (UCL Discovery)
Julianne Nyhan, Melissa Terras and Simon Mahony (2014). 'Integrative learning and Digital Humanities'. In, Integrative Learning: International Research and Practice, edited by Daniel Blackshields, James Cronin, Bettie Higgs, Shane Kilcommins, Marian McCarthy. Routledge: UK. (UCL Discovery)
Atik Kulaki & Simon Mahony (2014) 'Knowledge Creation and Sharing with Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning Roles in So-called University 2.0' in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 150, Pages 648-657. 10th International Strategic Management Conference 2014; publishers PDF.
Anastasia-Yvoni Spiliopoulou, Simon Mahony, Vassilis Routsis, Christina Kamposiori (2014) 'Cultural institutions in the digital age: British Museum's use of Facebook Insights', Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, Volume11, Issue 1. (UCL Discovery)
Giacometti, A., Campagnolo, A., MacDonald, L., Mahony, S., Terras, M., Robson, S., Weyrich, T., Gibson, A. (2014). Visualising Macroscopic Deterioration of Parchment and Writing via Multispectral Images. In M. Driscoll (Ed.), Care and Conservation of Manuscripts (CCM) conference. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. (UCL Discovery)
Mahony, S., Tiedau, U. (2013). Should the Digital Humanities be taking a lead in Open Access and Online Teaching Materials? In Digital Humanities 2013: Conference Abstracts (pp.290-292). Lincoln, Nebraska, US University of Nebraska, Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. Publisher's URL
Kamposiori, C., Warwick, C., & Mahony, S. (2013). 'Building Personal Collections: Supporting the Information Practices of Art Historians in the Digital Age', Proceedings of the Cultural Heritage, Creative Tools & Archives Workshop. National Museum of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 26 -27 June 2013. Available at
Stuart Dunn & Simon Mahony (2013) The Digital Classicist 2013. London: BICS Supplement-122 Institute of Classical Studies. Now fully Open Access.
Simon Mahony (2013) 'HumSlides on Flickr: using an online community platform to host and enhance an image collection', in Dunn & Mahony (eds) The Digital Classicist 2013. London: BICS Supplement-122, Institute of Classical Studies. (Open Access)
Mahony, S. (2013). Handbook on Open Data in Education [contributor to]. Open Knowledge Foundation.
- Online version:
Simon Mahony & Elena Pierazzo (2013) 'Teaching Skills or Teaching Methodology?', in Hirsch ed. Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Politics, Open Book Publishers.
Simon Mahony, Ulrich Tiedau and Irish Sirmons, 'Open access and online teaching materials for digital humanities', in Warwick, Terras, & Nyhan eds. (2012). Digital Humanities in Practice. Facet. Available at: Overview and case studies are available on the blog.
Simon Mahony (2011) 'Research communities and open collaboration: the example of the Digital Classicist wiki', Digital Medievalist 6, available at:
Gabriel Bodard & Simon Mahony eds. (2010) Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity, Ashgate. [Introduction to the volume]
Gabriel Bodard & Simon Mahony eds. (2008) "Though much is taken, much abides": Recovering antiquity through innovative digital methodologies, Digital Classicist special issue, Digital Medievalist 4 (2008).
Simon Mahony (2007) 'Using digital resources in building and sustaining learning communities', Body, Space & Technology Journal, Vol 07/02.
Available at:
Invited talks and keynotes
The 5th Chinese Digital Humanities Annual Conference 2023. Symbiosis of Digital and Reality: Foreseeing the Future of Digital Humanities. Sub-forum: Digital Humanities and Smart Data. ‘Open Data in the Humanities’. Wuhan University, (December 2023).
Beijing Forum 2023. Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All: Inheritance and Mutual Learning. Panel: Transmission of Knowledge and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations. ‘Building Bridges for Mutual Learning and Deeper Understanding’. (November 2023).
CityU Digital Society cluster. City University of Hong Kong. ‘How has Digital Humanities developed from the study of classical literature in both China and the West? Challenges for cooperation, collaboration, and engagement’. Flyer. (November 2023).
DHEA2023. The 2nd East Asian Ancient Books Digital Humanities international seminar. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. ‘Non-invasive and Non-destructive Computational Imaging of Ancient Texts’. (October 2023).
Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC). ‘An Introduction to Digital Humanities in East and West’. (October 2023).
How has Digital Humanities developed from the study of classical literature in both China and the West?: Challenges for cooperation, collaboration, and engagement. (October 2023). Fenghuangshan Chinese Forum of Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai.
Copyright and Governance. (June 2023). Opening Ceremony. The Digital Copyright Compliance Research Center of Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai.
Bookselling Research Network Symposium. 'Booksellers and Bookstores in Mainland China: the Age of Common Prosperity.' (May 2023) Video
Digital Humanities research: engaging with Chinese culture across boundaries and across barriers. (April 2023). The 5th China Peripheral Communication Forum, Huaqiao University, Xiamen.
University of Wuhan: “Big Data and Digital Humanities” Summer Open Course (2022). Digital Humanities and Knowledge Production: China and the West.
Beijing Forum: The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity For All (2022). Peking University, Department of Information Management. 'The Open Agenda: Open Access Publishing.'
KU-ORCAS 2021 International Symposium, "Constructing & Promoting for the East Asian DH Research Environment: For the Next Generation of East Asian DH Studies”, ‘A Western perspective on DH research in East Asia and the challenges for cooperation and collaboration’, University of Kansai (December 2021)
City University of Hong Kong, "Rethinking the Datafication of Culture in the Chinese World". 'Reflections on Close Encounters with Digital Humanities East and West' (June 2021)
Xijing University, 'Artificial Intelligence in Journalism, and Media Manipulation' The 2nd Xijing Smart Media International Forum and 2021 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Its Media Applications (May 2021)
Peking University, Department of Information Management: 'The Open Agenda: Open Access, Open Publishing and Open Science' (May 2021)
Shanghai Library, Expert Seminar Series, 'Open Publishing and Open Science: Managing the Changes.' (April 2021)
Shanghai University, Department of Library, Information and Archives, 'Understanding Digital Humanities through examining collaborative working and writing'. (April 2021)
Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai, 2020 Digital Publishing and Digital Humanities Academic Forum, ‘Digital Humanities: Building Bridges’. (December 2020)
Shanghai Normal University (2020), Shanghai Normal University: Digital Humanities Research Center Launch, ‘Digital Humanities and the UCLDH Experience’.
Sun Yat-sen University, School of Information Management, Digital Humanities Research and Teaching in the Information Discipline (December 2019), ‘Pushing the Boundaries of Digital Humanities Research’.
The 6th International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Era, Wuhan University (November 2019), 'Open Publishing and Open Science: Managing the Changes'.
l’École nationale des chartes, l’Université Paris Diderot, 4e Session de la Semaine Académique à l’étranger de l’Université de Wuhan (October 2019), Sino-French Forum, Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities: A comparative approach through research projects, 'Non-invasive and Non-destructive Computational Imaging of Cultural Heritage'.
The Belt and Road” Academic Publishing symposium: Bridging East and West, Beijing Normal University (August 2019) 'The Open Agenda: Open Access, Open Publishing and Open Education'.
Dunhuang (DH20019) International Symposium on the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage & the Annual Conference of Specialized Committee for Digital Humanities of the China Society for Social Sciences (July 2019), 'Advanced Imaging Techniques to support Cultural Heritage Research'.
Shanghai University, Department of Library, Information and Archives, 'UCLDH: Digital Humanities research and teaching at UCL' (June 2019)
Peking University Digital Humanities Mini Forum (June 2019), 'Digital Humanities research projects, at UCLDH: staff, students and the library'.
Renmin University, School of Information Resource Management (June 2019), 'The Open Agenda: Open Access, Open Publishing and Open Science.'
Beijing Municipal Archives (June 2019), International Archives Week and the opening of the new archives building: 'Digital Humanities research at UCL and its impact in a global context.'
University of Nanjing (April 2019) Digital Humanities Initiative seminar: Rethinking Digital Humanities through the Comparative Insights
'Connecting the Curriculum: Dgital Humanities teaching and Research at UCL'
University Nottingham Ningbo China (April 2019) Research seminar series: 'The Open Agenda: Open Access, Open Publishing and Open Science'
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (April 2019) Research seminar series: 'Digital Humanities research and teaching at UCL in a global context'
Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai) (April 2019) Digital Humanities Research seminar series: 'The Research Projects and Operation of a Digital Humanities Centre: the Experiences from UCL'
Wuhan University (April 2019) Invited guest lectures:
'Connecting the Curriculum: Digital Humanities teaching and research at UCL'
'User Centred Design and the Cultural Influence on Digital Design'
2nd EAST- the International Conference on Education, Art, Science and Technology at CAFA: China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 'Digital Humanities Teaching and Research at UCL: Connecting the Curriculum' (November 2018)
The 9th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF2018) 'Open Access, Open Publishing and Open Science' (October 2018)
Renmin University, School of Information Resource Management ' Digital Humanities research at UCL and its impact in a global context' (June 2018).
2018 World Historical & Cultural Cities Expo Invitation of “Inheritance & Development” Intangible Cultural Heritage Forum, Nanjing: 'Unlocking Intangible Cultural Heritage: an oral history approach'. (May 2018)
Nanjing University, School of Arts and Cultural Heritage: Cultural diversity and the Digital Humanities (May 2018)
Nanjing University, School of History: Digital Humanities research at UCL and its impact in a global context (April 2018)
Shanghai National Library: Digital Humanities Research at University College London (April 2018)
China Academy of Art, Shanghai Institute of Design: Digital Humanities research projects: staff, PhD and graduate students (April 2018)
University of Wuhan, Department of Publishing Science: Digital Humanities teaching and research at University College London (April 2018)
University Town Library of Shenzhen / Shenzhen Science & Technology Library: International Conference on Library and Digital Humanities (December 2017) Digital Humanities pedagogy: digital Culture and education'.
Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences: Cross-cultural, Cross-group and Comparative Modernity Conference (November 2017) 'Cultural diversity and the Digital Humanities'.
Peking University (PKU) 'Digital Humanities at University College' London (2017)
Hangzhou Normal University: 'Digital Humanities research and teaching at University College London' (2017).
The British Council Honorary Advisor and invited guest speaker for the Global Education Dialogues series: 'Skills for Research: identifying and developing best practice in development for doctoral students' (2017), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- 'Perspectives on doctoral student development: sharing experiences from UCL'
- 'Research communities in the UK, best practices and challenges'
The China Academy of Art, Shanghai Institute of Design (2016) 'Designing a Digital Publishing Product'. Poster
An invited member of the British Council for the UK Guest of Honour Delegation to the FIL - the 2015 Guadalajara International Book Fair. Speaking at the University of Guadalajara's XIX International Annual Meeting of Educational Research.
- 01/12/2015: 'Reflections on knowledge production within the framework of UK academic institutions'.
- 02/12/2015: 'Digital Humanities Pedagogy: digital culture and education'.
London Museums Group, The Ideal Cultural Workforce (2015) A Digital Humanities approach to skills development for the cultural heritage sector.
Hestia2 Digital Pedagogy: transforming the interface between research and teaching (2014). With Gabriel Bodard, Open Educational Resources and the Digital Classicist community. (video)
Keynote address to open Digital Classicist, Berlin (2013), TOPOI:
Open Education, Open Educational Resources, and their impact on research led teaching in Classics.
University College Cork (2013), Teaching and Learning Centre, Digital Humanities pedagogy: new approaches and new ways of thinking about the Humanities? (slides)
University of Lampeter, (2012) Department Classics Research Seminars: Digitising Scholarly Resources for Classics (slides)
Keynote address to open 2012 Leipzig eHumanities Seminar series: The Digital Classicist: building a Digital Humanities Community. (slides)
'Using your computer for research'. University College London, Department of Geography Residential Weekend for PhD Students (October 2008)
Conference papers and presentations
(see also, Invited talks and keynotes above)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu. (2023). DH2023 at Graz. 'Shanghai Memory as a case study of ideological impact on storytelling: the interplay between memory, language, and stories.' (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu. (2023). DARIAH2023. 'Bridging the gap between cultural heritage and research--a case study of the Chinese Genealogy Knowledge Service platform.' (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Simon Mahony, Yaming Fu. (2023). CSDH/SCHN. 'Encouraging diverse voices as part of cultural heritage data collection.' (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu. (2023). ACH2023. 'Genealogy as digital objects with stories to support research.' (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Simon Mahony, Yaming Fu. (2022) . The 4th China Digital Humanities Conference, “Panorama and Vision: Digital Humanities and National Cultural Digital Strategy”. 'Localizing Chinese Digital Humanities within the Globalized Community.' (November 2022) (UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Bingjun Liu. Digital Humanities Congress 2022. 'Digital Humanities and the Library: research partners?' (September 2022) (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Simon Mahony, Yaming Fu, Bingjun Liu. Digital Humanities Congress 2022. 'Digital Humanities Curriculum Development: an iSchools Approach.' (September 2022) (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) (Zenodo)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu, DH2022 at Tokyo. Reconstruction of cultural memory through digital storytelling: a case study of Shanghai Memory project (July 2022) (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu, DARIAH-EU Digital Storytelling Annual Event2022. Digital storytelling in DH practice to encourage civil participation and reconstruction of the historical narrative (May-June 2022) (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery) Abstract and slides (zenodo)
Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony, Wei Liu, DH UNBOUND 2022 (ACH & CSDH/SCHN annual conference). Digital storytelling in DH practice to encourage civil participation and reconstruction of the vernacular history of Shanghai (May 2022) (Abstract and slides - UCL Discovery)
Simon Mahony & Yaming Fu, iConference 2021 ‘Diversity | Divergence | Dialog’, Renmin University, Beijing (online): ‘Encouraging Diversity of Dialogue as part of the iSchools Agenda’ (March 2021)
Walsh, J. A., Cobb, P. J., de Fremery, W., Golub, K., Keah, H., Kim, J., Kiplang'at, J., Liu, Y.-H., Mahony, S., Oh, S. G., Sula, C. A., Underwood, T., & Wang, X., iConference 2021 ‘Diversity | Divergence | Dialog’, Renmin University, Beijing (online): ‘Digital Humanities in the iSchool’ (March 2021)
Simon Mahony, Jin Gao: 'Linguistic and Cultural Hegemony in the Digital Humanities', Digital Humanities Congress 2018 (Abstract)
Jin Gao, Simon Mahony, Oliver Duke-Williams, Julianne Nyhan: 'What do we write about in the Digital Humanities? A comparative study of Chinese and English publications', Digital Humanities Congress 2018 (Abstract)
Simon Mahony, Jin Gao: The 3rd Peking University Digital Humanities Forum: Incubation and Application: How Digital Humanities Projects Cater to Academic Needs. 'What do we write about in the Digital Humanities? a comparative study of Chinese and English publications' (2018)
University Town Library of Shenzhen / Shenzhen Science & Technology Library: International Conference on Library and Digital Humanities (2017) Digital Humanities pedagogy: digital Culture and education'.
Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences: Cross-cultural, Cross-group and Comparative Modernity Conference (2017) 'Cultural diversity and the Digital Humanities'.
Mahony S., Dahlan K., Hauswedell T., Tiedau U., 'Reflections on the development of an introductory MOOC for DH methodologies', Digital Humanities Congress 2016 University of Sheffield.
Garea Garcia, N., Welsh, A., Bikakis, A., Mahony, S., Inskip, C., & Vogel, M. (2015). Core Concepts for Future Cataloguers. Presented at: CILIP Conference 2015.
Mahony, Simon; Nyhan, Julianne; Terras, Melissa; Tiedau, Ulrich. 'Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Integrative Learning and New Ways of Thinking About Studying the Humanities', Digital Humanities Congress 2014 University of Sheffield. Abstracts.
Warwick, Claire; Mahony, Simon; Rayner, Samantha; Team, The INKE. 'The dog that didn't bark: A longitudinal study of reading behaviour in physical and digital environments', Digital Humanities 2014 (University of Lausanne) Abstracts
'Open Educational Resources and their place in teaching and research for Classics.' Classical Association Annual Conference 2014 (University of Nottingham) Programme
'Should the Digital Humanities be taking a lead in Open Access and Online Teaching Materials?', Digital Humanities 2013 (University of Lincoln Nebraska) Abstract
Campagnolo, A., Giacometti, A., MacDonald, L., Mahony, S., Terras, M., Robson, S., Weyrich, T., Gibson, A. (2013).
Cultural Heritage Destruction: Measuring Information Recovery from Multispectral Images of Deteriorated parchment. British Library, Topic Talk, Collections Care. 11th September 2013.
Campagnolo, A., Giacometti, A., MacDonald, L., Mahony, S., Terras, M., Robson, S., Gibson, A. (2013). Documenting and Interpreting Parchment Deterioration by Visual Analysis and Multispectral Imaging. In Icon
PF13, Positive Futures in an Uncertain World. Glasgow. April 2013.
Kamposiori, C., Warwick, C., & Mahony, S. (2013) 'Building Personal Collections: Supporting the Information Practices of Art Historians in the Digital Age.' Working paper presented at the Cultural Heritage, Creative Tools and Archives Workshop, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 26-27 June 2013.
Alejandro Giacometti, Alberto Campagnolo, Lindsay MacDonald, Simon Mahony, Melissa Terras, Stuart Robson, Tim Weyrich and Adam Gibson (2012). "Cultural Heritage Destruction: Documenting Parchment Degradation via Multispectral Imaging" EVA (Electronic Visualisation in the Arts) London 2012. British Computer Society, London, July 2012.
Alejandro Giacometti, Alberto Campagnolo, Lindsay MacDonald, Simon Mahony, Melissa Terras, Stuart Robson, Tim Weyrich, and Adam Gibson. "Cultural Heritage Destruction: Documenting Parchment Degradation via Multispectral Imaging". June 22ns 2012, Digital Classicist & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar, Summer 2012. Senate House, London.
Alejandro Giacometti, Lindsay MacDonald, Alberto Campagnolo, Melissa Terras, Simon Mahony, Tim Weyrich, Stuart Robson, Adam Gibson. (2012). "Documenting Parchment Degradation via Multispectral Imaging" UCL Biomedical Optics Research Laboratory Work in Progress Seminar Series. UCL, May 2012.
Giacometti, A., Terras, M., Gibson, A., and Mahony, S. "Multi-Spectral Image Processing Methods For Analysing Ancient Documents". Paper presented at the Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs (SDH/SEMI) annual conference at the 2011 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Fredericton.
'Digitizing and Enriching a Teaching Image Collection for Classics',
Classical Association Annual Conference 2011 (University of Durham)
with U. Tiedau (2011). Open Educational Resources for the Digital Humanities. OER11. Open University (UK)
Warwick, C., Mahony, S., Nyhan, J., Ross, C., Terras, M., Tiedau, U., Welsh, A. (2011). UCLDH: Big Tent Digital Humanities in Practice. ( pp.387-389). Stanford, CA, US Stanford University Library.
'Using collaborative resources to develop a programme for teaching and supporting information literacy', Interface: 1st International Symposium for Humanities and Technology (University of Southampton July 2009)
Paper available here
'HumSlides 2.0: a second generation on-line collaborative image resource for teaching and learning',
Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2008 (University of Cambridge September 2008).
Abstract at:
'An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Building Learning Communities within Digital Humanities',
Digital Humanities 2008 (University of Oulu - Finland, June 2008)
Abstract at:
'Using digital resources in building and sustaining learning communities'.
Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2007 (Dartington College September 2007) abstract
'New tools for learning and collaborative research: the Digital Classicist Wiki'.
Classical Association Annual Conference 2007 (Birmingham University April 2007)
Abstract at:
'Humslides: creating an on-line digital resource for teaching and learning'.
Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2006 (Dartington College September 2006). Programme at:
'New Tools for Collaborative Research: the Example of the Digital Classicist Wiki'.
Computers Literature and Philology (King's College London, June 2006)
Abstract at:
With Martyn Jessop, 'The pedagogy of Humanities Computing',
Digital Resources for the Humanities 2005 (University of Lancaster September 2005)
Programme at:
Dunhuang (DH20019) International Symposium on the Digitalization of Cultural Heritage & the Annual Conference of Specialized Committee for Digital Humanities of the China Society for Social Sciences (July 2019). 'The Importance of Collaborative Working in the Digital Humanities'.
2nd EAST- the International Conference on Education, Art, Science and Technology at CAFA: China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (November 2018). 'Understanding Digital Humanities Through Examining Collaborative Working and Writing.'
'Getting over the Great Wall 2', a five day workshop on Accessibility and User Experience Design for Digital Publishing at the China Academy of Art, Shanghai Institute of Design. (January 2018)
'Getting over the Great Wall': a five day workshop on Digital Publishing at the China Academy of Art, Shanghai Institute of Design. (January 2017)
HEA Digital Humanities Summit 2014: invited participant.
Digital Classicist Training Day (2011) Classical Association Annual Conference, University of Durham.
Before You Start: OER, IPR and Licensing Workshop (2010). OER IPR Support Project workshop run at UCL.
'Open Source Critical Editions' workshop King's College London (2006). (ICT Methods Network expert seminar series). Respondent: Collaboration.
Programme at:
Seminars organised
Digital Classicist Work-in-Progress summer series 2006 to 2018, Institute of Classical Studies, Senate House London. Programme, abstracts and podcasts with slides (video from 2013) at:
Conference panels organised
Digital Classicist panel: Teaching and Publication of Classics in the Internet Age.
Classical Association Annual Conference 2011 (University of Durham)
With Gabriel Bodard and Stuart Dunn, Digital Classicist panel: A discipline-specific community of practice and interdisciplinary methods,
Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2008 (University of Cambridge September 2008). Panel abstract; paper abstract
With Gabriel Bodard, Digital Classicist Panel 1: Research into people and places
With Gabriel Bodard, Digital Classicist Panel 2: Interdisciplinary approaches to research and pedagogy.
Classical Association Annual Conference 2007: Birmingham University. Panel abstracts at:
External Academic Activities
External Expert Referee for Promotion to Tenure, Department of Information Management, Peking University (PKU).
External Subject Specialist for the Periodic Subject Review of HATII: Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute, University of Glasgow (2017)
External Adviser for the BA Digital Humanities minor programme at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter Campus.