
Information Studies


Selected speakers

  • Christine Ardern, (Professional Learning Centre, University of Toronto), 'It Is All About Trust: What is a Trusted Professional in the Digital Environment? - Lifelong Learning � Continuing the Process'
  • Kimberly Anderson, (University of California, Los Angeles), �Identity and the Collecting Archive: Archival Appraisal as a Process of Identity Construction�
  • Alan Bell, (University of Dundee), �Neither authentic nor reliable: must new forms of user engagement mean the dilution of professional principles?�
  • Caroline Brown, (University of Dundee), �Neither authentic nor reliable: must new forms of user engagement mean the dilution of professional principles?�
  • Michelle Caswell, (University of Wisconsin-Madison), �The Preservation of Khmer Rouge Documents: Environment, Security, and International Cooperation�
  • Paul Conway, (University of Michigan), 'Validation of Archival Quality for Long-Term Preservation'
  • Amber Cushing, (University of North Carolina), �Personal Archiving: the influence of sense of self on conscious decisions to save digital belongings�
  • Glenn Dingwall, (City of Vancouver Archives (Canada)), 'Helping the horde to our hoard: the relevance of public archives within the Open Data movement'
  • Lorraine Dong, (University of Texas at Austin), �New Constructions of Malian Identity: International Collaborations and Digital Interpretations of the Ancient Past�
  • Luciana Duranti, (University of British Columbia), 'It Is All About Trust: What is a Trusted Professional in the Digital Environment? - Educating for Trust'
  • Terry Eastwood, (University of British Columbia), 'Human Rights and the Moral Domain of Archives�
  • Shannon Faulkhead, (Monash University), 'Narratives of Koorie Victoria'
  • Marian Hoy, (University of Canberra, Australia), �Relationships, trust and learning: Experiences of early career professionals working in collecting institutions�
  • Andrew J. Lau, (University of California, Los Angeles), 'The Technologic Puncture of the Archival Screen: The Question of Identity in the Age of Techno-Futures'
  • Hannah Little, (Glasgow Women�s Library), �Identifying the Genealogical Self�
  • Sue McKemmish, (Monash University), 'Indigenous Knowledge and the Archives: Embracing Multiple Ways of Knowing and Keeping'
  • Gillian Oliver, (Victoria University of Wellington), �Trusting Archives: Digital and Analogue Attitudes�
  • Ricardo Punzalan, (University of Michigan in Ann Arbor), �Archiving Culture/Recording Tradition: Reflections on Archives, Culture and Community in a Ghanaian Town�
  • Michael Riordan, (St. John�s and The Queen�s Colleges, Oxford), �Trust, Appraisal and the Ontology of Archives�
  • Lynette Russell, (Monash University), 'Australian Indigeneity and the Archives'
  • Raivo Ruusalepp, (Tallinn University, Estonia) �Why should we trust the auditors? Comparing audit toolkits for assessing trusted digital repositories�
  • Kenneth Thibodeau, (Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies (NCAST) at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), USA) 'It Is All About Trust: What is a Trusted Professional in the Digital Environment? - Trust and Transformation'
  • Vivian Wong, (University of California, Los Angeles), 'History and identity: Creating the diasporic community archive through digital storytelling'
  • Geoffrey Yeo, (University College London), �Questions of identity? Significant properties and boundary objects�