Managers within the school have responsibility for ensuring the management of health and safety.
Safety officers have responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the Health and Safety policy and reporting their findings to the Head of Department.
It is a legal duty for ALL staff, students and visitors to cooperate with the arrangements for safety set out in the current annual departmental statement of safety policy.
Safety-related incidents can be reported online using Safetynet
DIS safety contacts and information:
Head of Department:
Prof. Claire Warwick
x 32548
Departmental Safety Officer (DSO):
Andy Dawson
x 32396
UCL Area Safety Officer (ASO):
Elaine Clarke
x 46944
Fire Evacuation Marshals:
Vanda Broughton, Room G25 Foster Court, x 32291,
Kerstin Michaels, Room G15 Foster Court, x 32107,
First Aid
Certificated first aiders
Laura Keshav, Room G12, x 37204
Kerstin Michaels, Room G15, x 32107
Melissa Terras, Room G15a, x 37206
Appointed persons
Vanda Broughton, Room G25, x 32291
See also:
UCL Fire Safety advice and report forms
DIS arrangements for safe working
As a non-laboratory department, most of the school's activities pose
very low risk of harm and do not require extensive documentary
DIS adopts and complies with all appropriate UCL documented mandatory
arrangments and guidelines for safe working including appointment of
Fire Evacuation Marshals and First Aiders, accident reporting,
workstations and display equipment, risk and training needs assessment,
lone working and personal safety, and does not maintain separate
departmental-specific procedures, unless otherwise specified below.
For details of UCL guidelines and approved policies see the web directory maintained by Safety Services.
Notes on mandatory arrangements:
Reporting accidents and incidents:
Use standard UCL forms available from the departmental office or online, submit to the safety officer.
Working alone:
If late working alone advise the front lodge ext 32108.
Display Screen Equipment:
Staff should be aware of the hazards related to the use of display
screen equipment and undertake a self-assessment. Any problems should be
reported to their supervisor in the first instance, who should inform
the DSO. Any new or changed workstations should be advised to the DSO
who will arrange formal assessment.
All staff are responsible for portable electrical equipment in their
respective offices. All such equipment must be marked as compliant with
BS or CE safety standards. All staff should carry out basic visual
inspection checks before use. Any problems with electrical equipment
should be reported to the DSO immediately.
All DIS staff are encouraged to be vigilant and perform casual ad-hoc
inspections of their locales on a regular basis. Any problems should be
reported to the DSO.
Additional arrangements for safe working:
Student placement:
Maintained by Vanda Broughton