
Information Studies


Publications and conference papers


Vanda Broughton

Essential Library of Congress Subject Headings London: Facet [in preparation]

(with J. Mills) Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2nd edition Class C Chemistry Munich : Saur [in preparation]


"Bliss Bibliographic Classification: 2nd edition" Encyclopedia of library & information science 3rd ed. New York: Taylor & Francis


"Language related problems in the construction of faceted terminologies and their automatic management" in Culture and identity in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Tenth International ISKO Conference, 5-8 August 2008, Montréal, Canada. Arsenault, Clément and Tennis, Joseph, eds. Wurzburg: Ergon, 2008

 "A faceted classification as the basis of a faceted terminology" Axiomathes 2008 18(2) 193-210 Springer online DOI 10.1007/s10516-007-9027-7

'Henry Evelyn Bliss; the other immortal or a prophet without honour?', Journal of librarianship and information science 2008 40(1) 43-58
[DOI 10.1177/0961000607086620]

Ballestra, Laura "L'indicizzazione semantica al tempo del web, / Semantic indexing in the time of the web". Biblioteche Oggi 2008 26 (2)57-62 [An interview with Vanda Broughton]

Construire thesauri (Translation of Essential thesaurus construction) Rome, Editrice Bibliografica, 2008


(with Aida Slavic) 'Building a faceted classification for the humanities: principles and procedures', Journal of documentation 2007 63(5) 727-754

'Classification and subject organization and retrieval' in Bowman (ed.), British librarianship and information work 2001-2005. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp. 467-488

(With J. Mills) Bliss Bibliographic Classification 2nd edition Class W Fine arts. Munich : Saur, 2007

(With M. Polfreman and A. Wilson) Metadata Generation for Resource Discovery JISC funded research project, 2006
Final report


'Classification and subject organization and retrieval' in Bowman (ed.), British librarianship and information work 1991-2000. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 494-516

Essential thesaurus construction. London: Facet, 2006. Co-published: New York: Neal-Schuman, 2006

'The need for a faceted classification as the basis of all methods of information retrieval' Aslib proceedings 2006 58(1/2) pp. 49-72


(With Joacim Hansson, Birger Hjorland and Maria J. Lopez-Huertas) "Knowledge organization" Chapter 7 in Leif Kajberg and Leif Lorring European curriculum reflections on library and information science education. Copenhagen : Royal School of Library & Information Science 2005 p. 133-148

'Faceted classification: a tool for subject access in the twenty-first century' Signum 2004 (8) pp. 5-18

Anne Welsh

(with C. Goodair C) 'Information retrieval and terminology' Addiction 2008 103(4): 695.

'We can get you what you want' Library & Information Gazette 2008, 4-17 April: 13.

(with Christine Goodair) 'The A-Team is back in demand' SALIS News 2007 27(1), Spring: 6-7). Reprinted with permission from Library & Information Update 5(11), November 2006: 25.

(with C. Goodair) 'Blogging for networking and outreach' IFMH Inform 2007 18(1), Spring: 8-10.

(with P. Robertson 'I am cataloguer, hear me roar!' Library & Information Update 2007 6(1-2), January-February: 30-33.

'Internal wikis for procedures and training : from tacit knowledge to self-guided learning' Online 2007 Nov-Dec: 26-30.

'Medline and beyond : finding alcohol and other drug information' Health Libraries Group Newsletter 2007 24(2), June: 19-24.

'Substance abuse' in Jones R, Leadbetter S, Brocklehurst M (eds.) Core collection of medical books. Tomlinsons, 2006. ISBN 0953261557.

(with C. Goodair) 'The A-Team is back in demand' Library & Information Update 2006 5(11), November: 25.

'Blogging : current awareness in the online age' Elisad Journal 2006 17, February: 10.

'New lamps for old : current awareness and profile raising' Libraries for Nursing Bulletin 2006 26(1-2): 65-75.

Blogging to raise awareness : the DrugScope experience. National Library for Health Knowledge Management Specialist Library, November 2005.

A list of Anne's publications outside the area of Knowledge Organization is available here.

John Bowman

'OPACs: the early years, and user reactions' Library History 2007 23(4): 317-29

'Retrospective conversion' Library History 2007 23(4): 331-40

'Annotation: a lost art in cataloguing' Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 2007 44(1/2): pp. 95-111 Also published in: Robert P. Holley (ed.), Cataloger, editor and scholar: essays in honor of Ruth C. Carter. Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth, 2007, pp. 95-111

(ed.) British librarianship and information work 2001-2005. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007

'Cataloguing' in Bowman (ed.), British librarianship and information work 2001-2005. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp. 454-66

'Indexing and abstracting' in Bowman (ed.), British librarianship and information work 2001-2005. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, pp. 489-500

(ed.) British librarianship and information work 1991-2000. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006

'Cataloguing' in Bowman (ed.), British librarianship and information work 1991-2000. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 472-93

'Indexing and abstracting' in Bowman (ed.), British librarianship and information work 1991-2000. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 517-31

'The decline of the printed catalogue in Britain' Library History 2006 22(2): 67-99

'Education and training for cataloguing and classification in the British Isles' Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 2006 41(3/4): 309-33 Also published in: Dajin D. Sun and Ruth C. Carter (eds.), Education for library cataloging: international perspectives. New York; London: Haworth, 2006, pp. 309-33

'The development of description in cataloguing prior to ISBD' Aslib Proceedings 2006 58(1/2): 34-48

'Classification in British public libraries: a historical perspective' Library History 2005 21(3): 143-73

Essential Dewey. London: Facet, 2005. Co-published: New York: Neal-Schuman, 2005


Vanda Broughton

'Finding Bliss on the web: some problems of representing faceted terminologies in digital environments' Paradigms and conceptual systems in KO Eleventh International ISKO Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, February 23-26, 2010

'Concepts and terms in faceted classification' Classification at a crossroads: multiple directions to usability UDCC International Seminar, The Hague, 29-30 October 2009 (Invited speaker)

'Facet analysis as the theoretical basis of vocabulary tool construction and subject representation in real and digital environments' Content architecture: exploiting and managing diverse resources 1st national ISKO UK Conference, London, 23-24 June, 2009

'Metadata and content: common ground in representing meaning' Supporting cultural heritage research TEI Members' meeting, London 6-8 November 2008 (Keynote address)

'Language related problems in the construction of faceted terminologies and their automatic management' Culture and identity in knowledge organization Tenth International ISKO Conference, 5-8 August 2008, Montréal, Canada.

'Applications of facet analysis: the importance of vocabulary control in modern retrieval systems' L'organizzazione della conoscenza tra identità e multiculturalità (Knowledge organization between identity and multiculturalism) Bari, Italy, 23-24 June 2008 (Invited speaker)

'Meccano, molecules and knowledge organization: the continuing contribution of S. R. Ranganathan' ISKO UK event Ranganathan revisited: facets for the future, University College London, 5 November, 2007

'Facet analysis as a fundamental theory for structuring subject organization tools' NKOS workshop of the European Conference on Digital Libraries, Budapest 17-21 September, 2007

'Facet analysis and the museum object' AHRC workshop Technologies of polar travel, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge September 5-6, 2007

(With Heather Lane) 'Bliss Bibliographic Classification in action: moving from a special to a universal faceted classification via a digital platform,' in I. C. McIlwaine (Ed.) Knowledge organization and the global information society. Proceedings of the Eighth International ISKO Conference 13-16th July 2004. London, UK. Ergon : Wurzburg, pp. 73-78.

'Facet analytical theory as a basis for knowledge organization tools in a subject portal,' in Challenges in knowledge representation and organization for the 21st century; integration of knowledge across boundaries. Proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2002 Granada, Spain M. Lopez-Huertas, ed., Ergon : Wurzburg 2002 pp. 135-141

(With Mike Fraser & Sheila Anderson) 'Facet analytical theory as a basis for a subject organization tool in a humanities portal' New directions in humanities computing. 14th Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities. Conference abstracts Tubingen : University of Tubingen 2002 pp. 24-26.

Anne Welsh

(with K. Lomax) 'Open, free, easy? Building a catalogue from scratch on open source software' Internet Librarian International, London, October 2009
Pre-conference slides

(with L. Caldwell) 'Pooling the tools: indexing resources for a 21st century subject portal' Cataloguing & Indexing Group Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, September 2008

'Information Architecture for internal users' Internet Librarian International, London, October 2007

'Documentalistes sans Documentalistes sans frontières: taxonomy design for a multidisciplinary, pan-European subject gateway' Internet Librarian International, London, October 2005

'Hard drugs and soft terms: the challenges of description' Elisad Annual Meeting, Florence, Italy, 23-25 October 2004

A list of Anne's conference papers outside the area of Knowledge Organization is available here.


Ines Cordeiro "Information technology frameworks in LIS: exploring IT constructs as sources of conceptual argument" 2006

Aida Slavic "The use of UDC as a search engine for the Internet" 2005


Access denied: the accessibility of electronic resources to visually impaired people in UK public libraries, with special reference to catalogues
Bias in folksonomies
Catalogue of novels collected by Lady Suffield of Bickling Hall
Cataloguing and classification in the library of the Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies
Cataloguing remote access electronic resources in UK Higher Education Libraries
Compare and evaluate how Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) from different suppliers [library systems] handle music materials
Controlled vocabularies as an aid to information retrieval: usage in academic libraries
Descriptive catalogue of part of the Antiquarian Collection of Music in the Guildhall School of Music and Drama Library, with an essay on the possible origin and history of the collection
Development of subject classification in the National Art Library, Victoria & Albert Museum
Importance of authority control in rare books online catalogues
Indexing and retrieval of images: a subject approach
Knowledge classification and library design in the Baroque
Lord of the Ring thesaurus: linguistic problems in thesaurus construction
Mechanics of cuneiform writing and modern bibliographic classification: some perspectives from the Ancient Near East
Moving to MARC 21
Outline and critical analysis of four major classification schemes with regard to their structure, practical use, usability and the provision made for the subject of religion and theology
Philosophy of classification with particular reference to Genesis 1 - 4.15
Professional wrestling and thesaurus construction: the design and compilation of a field specific thesaurus
Role of Sanford Berman in the elimination of biased terminology in Library of Congress subject headings
Some issues in the classification of zoological literature
Subject access to children's fiction
Thesaurus for birds and ornithology
Use of social classification for managing internet resources
Use of subject headings for music studies
Visual arts thesaurus
Wisdom of the cataloguers: a tool for automatic assignment of LCSH

MRes dissertation
Taxonomies, politics and objectivity: a framework for mediation


Karen Attar (PT 2000/01)
'Why appoint professionals? A student cataloguing project', Journal of librarianship and information science 38 (3), 2006, 173-85
'UK Bibliographic Standards Committee of the CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group', Catalogue & index 154, autumn 2006, 6-7
'Cataloguing early children's books: requirements, provision and a seminar', Catalogue & index 151, 2004, 8-12
'The practice of Bliss', Cataloging & classification quarterly 34 (4), 2002, 47-65
'The application of the Bliss Bibliographic Classification in Cambridge college libraries', New review of academic librarianship 6, 2000, 35-49
'Blissful perceptions: BC2 or not in Cambridge', Bliss Classification bulletin 42, 2000, 12-15

James Caudwell (PT 1995/97)
'Fluxion-structures: records for remote access electronic resources', Art libraries journal 29 (4), 2004, 5-20
'The fifth element: symbiosis of cataloguing and metadata', in The e-resources management handbook, UK Serials Group, 2007

Karen Gravett (FT 2005/06)
'The cataloguing of e-books at the University of Surrey', Serials 19 (3), 2006, 2-7

Richard Palfery (2003/04)
'Access denied: catalogue accessibility for VIPs', Library + information update 4 (3), Mar. 2005, 32-3