
Information Studies


EDI Events


12th February 2025 - Film event in collaboration with DIS / CCARMS and National Student Pride

Past events
ED&I Dissertation presentations

Wednesday 25th January 2023

This online event, organised in conjunction with the DIS Equality Diversity & Inclusion group (ED&I) celebrated ED&I in student research.

Several of our previous students, from across DIS programmes, gave short presentations on their ED&I focused dissertations. The presentations were followed by a Q&A session where they answered questions about their research and the dissertation process in general. The event was Chaired by Oliver Duke-Williams. A video of the event can be seen at: https://ucl.zoom.us/rec/share/OcAClPn02TEnl7R1f-sIaRZ7mYGWH5N5PLRp3n3R9l9D8J-urngNtqVMwng2y2sd.VZUpEQ5EIJ59miiE 
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UCLDH Seminar series

This seminar series is co-hosted by scholars living in three countries, nine time zones apart. Building upon the successful “Digital Humanities Longview” series (2021), it is a further bridging of trans-Atlantic digital humanities centres to promote a global conversation, and to foster rich international discussions from a diverse range of perspectives, with an emphasis on reflective practice.

Widening Participation in Archives & Records Management Summer School

18-21 July 2022

The Archives and Records Management programme organised a Summer School targeted at prospective applicants to the programme who have struggled to gain pre-course work experience due to marginalization.

Unlocking Narratives: The Roots of Decolonising Work in UK Libraries and Archives

8 June 2022

A free online event designed to interrogate the roots of decolonising work in our field.

A recording of the event is available on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrvrinQ724s 

Celebrating Students Achievement and Work on ED&I - online workshop

9 June 2022

This workshop discussed student work on ED&I that were motivated by inequality and social struggle and manifested in the form of digital collections and interactive narratives.

A recording of the event is available on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW3Ey6SyVME

Chapter 2022 conference

9 June 2022

Books in the Closet: Suppression, Censorship and the Book - a one-day postgraduate conference, organised by Bloomsbury CHAPTER (Communication, History of Authorship, Publishing, Textual Editing and Reading), in association with University College London’s Centre for Publishing and the Institute of English Studies, University of London. It was held online with a hybrid in-person/online keynote.  

Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the Information sector

8 June 2021

This workshop, facilitated by Shirley Yearwood-Jackman (University of Liverpool (EDI Working Group, and BAME Lead); CILIP Trustee; Chair, CILIP BAME Network Committee) was open to all students and staff within the Department of Information Studies, to develop holistic knowledge of EDI issues across the piece and to learn about the perspectives and challenges across information professions.

A recording of the event can be found here (Moodle link, available to DIS staff and students only): https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/mod/helixmedia/view.php?id=3747460