Annual UCL IIT Symposium with Pears Lecture 2023
15 June 2023, 9:00 am–6:30 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Hanh Gurr
Pears BuildingUCL Royal Free Campus, HampsteadLondonNW3 2PP
We would like to invite all to our annual UCL IIT Symposium 2023 on 15th June 2023, with keynote speaker Professor Carl June from the University of Pennsylvania. The programme features fundamental immune mechanisms, viral infection, immunotherapy, and early career presentations.
Prof Alison Simmons (Director of IMM, Oxford University)
Prof Muzlifah Haniffa (Newcastle University)
Dr Laura Pallett (IIT)
Prof Chris Chiu (Imperial College )
Prof Ian Humphrey (Cardiff University)
Prof Emma Morris (IIT)
Prof Eric Vivier (Marseille, France)
Short presentations and posters are welcomed. Submitted abstracts will be selected for presentation and prizes will be awarded for the best oral presentation and the best poster.
Abstract deadline: Friday 19th May 2023
Submit here:
Registration deadline: Monday 5th June 2023
In person:
Online attendance: