
Division of Infection and Immunity


External Seminar | Dr Ashwanth Francis

07 January 2019, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

'Imaging the spatio-temporal regulation of single HIV-1 infection in living cells'

Event Information

Open to



Dr Clare Jolly (Host)


B404 LT2
UCL Cruciform Building
Gower Street
United Kingdom

Dr Ashwanth Francis of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Division at Emroy University will be speaking at the UCL Division of Infection and Immunity External Seminar Programme on Monday 07 January. The seminar will be held in the UCL Cruciform Building B404 LT2.

HIV-1 infection progresses through multiple distinct steps that include fusion, uncoating, reverse transcription of the viral RNA genome into a cDNA, transport of the viral cDNA into the nucleus followed by its integration into the host-cell chromatin. Proper HIV-1 integration into actively transcribing genes ensures the successful use of the host-cell transcription and translation machinery to generate nascent viral complexes that assemble and exit from the plasma membrane. All of these viral processes are controlled by cellular mechanisms that are highly organized in spatial and temporal manner. Dr Francis' team have designed and developed single virus labeling tools that enable studying the steps of single HIV-1 uncoating, nuclear import and integration by live-cell microscopy. In this seminar Dr Ashwanth will discuss the insights obtained using these new tools into the spatio-temporal regulation of single HIV-1 infection. 

All are welcome to attend. If you would like to meet the speaker after the seminar please contact the host.

Further information