
Division of Infection and Immunity


Virtual Virology

18 January 2018, 4:00 pm–6:00 pm

The Virtual Virology series provides a forum for virology groups from around the UK to present their work.

Event Information

Open to



Towers Lab


Christopher Ingold Building, XLG1 Chemistry LT

Sessions are focused on the most exciting and current questions in virology. The meeting format is a presenting group of three speakers who are introduced by a representative or the head of their research group.

This months talks:

  • Redirecting the antiviral Fc receptor TRIM21 against toxic host proteins | Will McEwan, University of Cambridge
  • Structure guided identification of a pathogen with pandemic potential | Dalan Bailey, The Pirbright Institute
  • Evolution of chronic viruses within and between hosts | Katrina Lythgoe, University of Oxford

Further information