Our Maternity-Paternity fund is part of our commitment to the advancement of gender equality in science.
The Division has ring-fenced £25,000 of funding per annum to help support personnel and projects during times of maternity or paternity leave.
The scheme applies to current PhD students and academic/ research staff taking maternity leave within the Division. Priority will be given where there are no alternative sources of funding to support the proposal and where it will help a PhD student or member of staff to complete/ sustain their work.
Applications can be made for funding for salary and/ or support for consumables. Possible examples include:
- Salary support to allow a piece of work to be completed
- Funding for a training course to maintain skills
- Funding for childcare costs to facilitate students/staff keeping in touch with work during their maternity leave.
Applications are reviewed and approved by the Division's Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team, subject to the availability of funds.
To apply for the Division Maternity-Paternity Fund, please complete the application form and return it by e-mail to Matt Reeves.