
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Student scholarship opportunities

Please see below for bursaries and wards, conferences, career choice information, as well as exhibitions and events which may be of interest to medical students.

Bursaries and awards

BMA Foundation for Medical Research

Cumberland Lodge student bursaries

Royal College of General Practitioners Research Grants and Fellowships

Royal College of General Practitioners awards: GP Specialty Trainee Award & Inspiring the Future Award 

Royal College of General Practitioners & Society for Academic Primary Care elective annual prize


UCL Annual GP Tutors' Conference - registration to open soon

Royal College of General Practitioners Annual Primary Care Conference and Exhibition

Career choices

RCGP: Exploring General Practice as a Medical Student

Occupational Health as a career

Exhibitions and events

Royal Society of Medicine - free online webinars

‘Is there a doctor in the house?’ - a free event hosted by UCL Primary Care and Population Health department intending to explore some of the challenges for patients and staff regarding primary care organisation and delegated home visits. Event live streaming link and

Medical Education Evening Seminars

BMJ Student webpage

British Medical Association Events