
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care



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Research Projects

ESRC Bridging the Gap

Examining Disability and Development in Four African Countries

ESRC Poverty Reduction: Liberia

Understanding the Political and Institutional Conditions for Effective Poverty Reduction for Persons with Disabilities in Liberia

The Washington Group

Supporting Institutional Capacity of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics

Girls Education Challenge

Pioneering Inclusive Education for Girls in Nyanza (Kenya)

Global Disability Innovation Hub

A Global Disability Innovation Hub

Disability and Climate Resilience

Disability and Climate Resilience Research Project

Completed Projects

Inclusive Education: Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea School

Project title

Reviewing approaches to education services for disabled children in Papua New Guinea.

Project leader

Maria Kett, Principle Investigator

Centre staff working on this project

Marcella Deluca,
Lorraine Wapling - Centre PhD student,


The Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) under the Australian Development Research Award Scheme

Project duration

August 2013 - June 2016

External Collaborators

  • University of Goroka
  • National Department of Education, Special Education Division
  • Cheshire Disability Services
  • Papua New Guinea Education Institute

Main objectives

This research will review educational approaches for children with disabilities in Papua New Guinea and analyse how this right to education is upheld. The government supports improved access to inclusive education, but challenges remain, and to date there is little evaluation of the effectiveness of work by government or other service providers. This research, a partnership between UK and Papua New Guinea researchers, government ministry and service providers, will support existing structures to monitor and evaluate current educational approaches, and provide figures on numbers of children with disabilities currently enrolled in mainstream schools.

Key publications

Research Brief: Reviewing approaches to education services for children with disabilities in Papua New Guinea. [link: Research brief]

Policy Brief: Reviewing approaches to education services for disabled children in Papua New Guinea. [link: Policy brief]

Summary of findings: Reviewing approaches to education for children with disabilities in Papua New Guinea. [link: Summary of findings]

Knowledge Transfer

The project received press coverage in two local newspapers, the Southern News and the National Paper. A local television station also has a report about the project. [link: Southern News article]

Social Protection: Vietnam

Project title

Social protection and disability: Policy lessons from Vietnam

Project leader

Prof. Nora Groce, Principle Investigator

Centre staff working on this project

Daniel Mont, Research staff


UK Economic and Social Research Council

Project duration

October 2012 - September 2014

External Collaborators

  • Fordham University
  • University of Melbourne

Main objectives

People with disabilities represent a disproportionately high proportion of the world's poor. Recognising the reciprocal relationship between disability and poverty, leading to increased vulnerability and social exclusion, disability has been flagged as a key development issue in meeting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and in eradicating world poverty. As a consequence, people with disabilities are increasingly being mainstreamed into government social protection programmes in low- and middle-income countries. However, there has been little evaluation of the effectiveness of these programmes with respect to people with disabilities. This research evaluates the effectiveness of two government social protection programmes for persons with disabilities in Vietnam.

Key publications

Cross-Cutting Disability Research Projects

This three-year partnership with DFID (the UK government's Department for International Development) supported research into international development policy through four areas of disability and development research:
Access to Water and Sanitation in Uganda and Zambia

Disability and Urban Agriculture in Kenya

Maternal Child Health for Women with Disabilities in Nepal

Mental Disability, Stigma and Multidimensional Poverty in India

This applied research was carried out collaboratively by our centre and four DFID-funded Research Programme Consortium (RPC) partners.

Disabled Street Beggars: Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Project title

Disabled Beggars, Pilot Project, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  £20,000.

Project leader

N. Groce PI. 


International Labor Organization (UN ILO) 

Project Duration

June 2011-Jan 2013. 

Main Objectives

Qualitative and quantitative study of disabled street beggars in Addis Ababa Ethiopia

External Collaborators

Barbara Murray, International Labour Organization

Knowledge Transfer activities 

  • Presentations of findings through International Labor Organsation publications
  • ALTER Conference (European Association on Disability Research).  July 31st.
  • Groce N, Murray  Disabled Street Beggars in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  Paper presentation.  Paris.  July 2nd.
  • Disability Research Seminar Presentation, University College London

Key Publications

  • Groce N, Loeb M, Murray B. 2014.   Disabled Beggars; A Literature Review.  Geneva: International Labour Organization..http://www.ilo.org/employment/Informationresources/WCMS_310228/lang--en/...
  • Groce N., Murray B, Loeb M, Tramontano C,  Trani JF. Mekonnen A.  2013.  Disabled Street Beggars In Ethiopia:  Findings from the UCL/ ILO Pilot Study.
  • Employment Working Paper 141. Geneva:  International Labour Organization, United Nations. 2013;   Summary of Findings, 2014
  • Groce N., Murray B, Loeb M, Mekonnen  A,Tramontano C,  Trani JF. Mekonnen A.  2013.  Disabled Street Beggars In Ethiopia:  Findings from the UCL/ ILO Pilot Study.  Geneva:  International Labour Organization, United Nations. 2013; Summary of Findings, 2014