The Shallice Prize
Each year the top performing student from each programme is awarded the Shallice Prize. The prize is named for Professor Tim Shallice, founder and former director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Giulia Piazza
Shallice Prize Winner 2018/19
Cognitive Neuroscience MSc
I obtained a BA in Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Stirling. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience of the MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the ICN. In my research project I investigated a memory reconsolidation intervention for binge eating, with the outstanding supervision and wonderful support of Prof Sunjeev Kamboj and the Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit. I’m currently Research Assistant at the CPU intervention for binge eating, with the outstanding supervision and wonderful support of Prof Sunjeev Kamboj and the Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit. I’m currently Research Assistant at the CPU

James Hill
Shallice Prize winner 2018/19
Cognitive Neuroscience MRes
The Cognitive Neuroscience MRes at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience was as captivating as it was challenging. Its structure was very well-suited to burgeoning researchers in positions similar to my own, insofar as it allowed us to devote the majority of our time to a major research project, whilst also selectively pursuing top-quality modules that furthered our understanding of the current state of this field. I was my pleasure to partner with other students in these modules, and on my research project- an investigation into the effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) on cognitive functioning in different populations. This project was supervised by Dr Michael Bloomfield at the UCL Division of Psychiatry, and Dr Chandni Hindocha at the Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit, and I think this highlights the excellent opportunities for working with the full range of researchers at UCL that this course provides. My experience has spurred me on to develop myself as a researcher, and has cemented my commitment to neuroscience.

Alysha Chelliah
Shallice Prize Winner, 2017/18
Cognitive Neuroscience MSc
Before doing my MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience I obtained a degree in Philosophy and Psychology from Durham University. I am currently continuing my MSc research as part of the Neuroscience and Mental Health group at the ICN, where I am investigating the efficacy of affective bias modification at improving mood through a smartphone application.

Isobel Green
Shallice Prize Winner 2017/18
Cognitive Neuroscience MRes
The MRes in Cognitive Neuroscience was a remarkable experience, equipping me with key research skills through coursework and allotting substantial room to apply these skills to a dissertation. The dissertation process, which makes up the bulk of the MRes, was especially formative – I had an incredible supervisor, Jon Roiser, and working directly with Jon and members of the lab allowed me to grow more as a scientist during the MRes than I could have thought possible. Furthermore, being in Queen Square, I was able to work with and learn from many skilled neuroscientists, physicists, radiographers and engineers, who were extremely generous with their time and knowledge. I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity to learn within the UCL research community.