
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience


Clone of Matlab Course 2019

This ICN’s Matlab course is made up of a mixture of practical workshops and seminar sessions. It is aimed at students who have little or no experience with programming.

Organiser: Daniel Bush

Lecture Times: First term Thursdays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (excluding reading week on the 7th November) 
Location: B10 Lecture Theatre at the ICN, 17 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AZ

Practical Sessions: First term Thursdays from 12:00 - 1:00 pm on the 14th, 21st, 28th November, 5th and 12th December.
Location: B10 Lecture Theatre at the ICN, 17 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AZ

This seminar series provides an introduction to the MATLAB software package for research students who have little or no experience of computer programming. The course is comprised of two main components: a general introduction to MATLAB and the basics of computer programming; and the design and implementation of standard cognitive neuroscience experiments using the Cogent toolbox. In addition, several practical MATLAB sessions will be held, where students are set specific programming tasks to complete with help from the course lecturers. Tutorial scripts, sample data sets and slides will be available on the course website to allow students to apply the methods discussed between seminars.

There is no requirement to register for this course
There is no assessment for this course

Lecture Materials [will be uploaded in the relevant week]

Click on the lecture title to download a .zip file of slides and sample code.

Thursday 10th October at 10am:(James Bisby)   
Thursday 17th October at 10am: (Daniel Bush) 
Thursday 24th October at 10am:  (Rachel Bedder)
Thursday 31st October at 10am: Advanced programming (Andrej Bicanski)
Reading week
Thursday 14th November at 10am: Plotting  (Andrej Bicanski)
Thursday 21st November at 10am: Cogent I (James Bisby) 
Thursday 28th November at 10am: Cogent II (James Bisby)
Thursday 5th December at 10am: Cogent III (Daniel Bush) 
Thursday 12th December at 10am: Basic Statistics in Matlab (Rachel Bedder)

Practical Sessions [materials will be uploaded in the relevant week]

Click on the lecture title to download a .pdf or .zip file with that session's problem.

Thursday 14th November at 12pm:
Thursday 21st November at 12pm: Practical Session 2
Thursday 28th November at 12pm: Practical Session 3 
Thursday 5th December at 12pm: Practical Session 4  
Thursday 12th December at 12pm: Practical Session 5