
Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Jaweria Amjad

Jaweria Amjad Profile Picture

Student, PhD

E: jaweria.amjad.16@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44(0)20 7679 2000 (int. N/A)

Miguel Rodrigues

Research group
Information and Communication Engineering

Artificial Intelligence | Deep Learning | Signal Processing


I completed my Bachelors in Engineering (BE) and Masters in Sciences (MS) in 2009 and 2012 respectively from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan. During my masters, I derived information theoretic rate bounds for relay channels and proposed practical system design. Since 2016, I am working towards my PhD under the supervision of Professor Miguel R. D. Rodrigues,  at the Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering at UCL.

My interests lie in understanding and contributing towards theoretical foundation of system and learning problems. Departing from my previous work, the research in my PhD mainly focused on theoretical Deep Learning (DL). Although my main contributions center around the generalization behavior of Deep Neural Networks (DNN), I am generally excited to work in any dimension that is aimed at making DL more interpretable.


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