Lecturer in Control Systems
E: f.boem@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44(0)20 7679 3966 (int. 33966)
Research group
Sensors Systems and Circuits
Control Engineering | Cyber-physical systems | Detection methods for Safety and Security | Networked and interconnected systems | Optimisation and Machine learning
Francesca Boem received the M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in Management Engineering in 2009 and the Ph.D. degree in Information Engineering in 2013, both from the University of Trieste, Italy. She was Post-Doc at the University of Trieste with the Machine Learning Group from 2013 to 2014.
From 2014 to 2018, she was Research Associate at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, UK with the Control and Power Research Group. Since April 2018 Dr. Boem is a Lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London (UCL). Dr Boem is an Honorary Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK.
She has been part of the team at Imperial College which has been awarded in 2016 the flagship EU H2020-WIDESPREAD-TEAMING project for the development of the EU KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence. In February 2018 Dr. Boem has been awarded the Imperial College Research Fellowship.
Dr. Boem is member of the IFAC Technical Committee 6.4 (“Fault Detection, Supervision & Safety of Technical Processes - SAFEPROCES”) and Associate Editor for the IEEE Systems Journal, the IEEE Control System Society Conference Editorial Board and for the EUCA Conference Editorial Board.
Her current research interests include distributed fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control methods for large-scale networked systems, distributed estimation methods for sensor networks, secure control for the safety and security of cyber-physical systems, relationships between machine-learning and control.
- Publications
RPS Widget Placeholderhttp://research-reports.ucl.ac.uk/RPSDATA.SVC/pubs/FBOEM63