
UCL Human Resources


Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Confidential 24/7 staff support service, available in seconds (by phone). Speak to mental health experts for advice on personal (e.g., legal, financial, housing, family) and work related issues.


Spectrum life logo

Spectrum.Life is UCL's Employee Assistance Provider.

Ways To ContactInformation
UK Freephone0808 196 5808
Make a ReferralSpectrum Life Management Referral 
Refferal process

Our Employee Assistance Programme provides tools, resources and expert support to manage your mental health and wellbeing. Through the service, you will have access to three main offerings:

In the moment support 

In the moment support is not an emergency support service. If this is an emergency, please dial 999


You have access to in-the-moment mental health support 24/7/365 with enhanced expert support. Every call to your Support Line is answered by a qualified, accredited Counsellor.

In the moment support and the single session model of solution focused counselling are both brief and focused methods of providing support to individuals. In the moment support involves providing immediate assistance and guidance to you when experiencing emotional distress or crisis.

Our 24/7 counsellors are all trained in the solution-focused approach, enabling them to effectively support you.

You can now get in touch in a few ways – contact our dedicated number by phone call, or request a call back via our Wellbeing Platform.

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Ways To ContactInformation
UK Freephone0808 196 5808
Make a ReferralSpectrum Life Management Referral 
Refferal processSL_EAP_Manager_Referral_Workflow.pdf 




The Employee Assistance Programme can provide short-term counselling. The aim of counselling is to address issues that are deemed to be mild to moderate, and can be addressed in a set timeframe and within a set amount of sessions. If you require long term counselling, you may not be suitable for this counselling service.

Examples when the service is suitable would include, but are not limited to:

  • Mild-moderate emotional distress, manifesting as stress, anxiety or low-level depression
  • Assistance in the promotion of healthier self-care techniques to promote healthier work-life balance and wellbeing
  • Supporting employees deal with challenging life events (i.e. loss, parenting issues/concerns, interpersonal difficulties, work stress)
  • Support around marital/relationship/family issues

In some instances, a referral to short-term counselling is not the most robust intervention, or it may be agreed that engagement in a more specialist or longer-term therapy would be recommended. Such examples would include, but are not limited to:

  • Presence of long-standing psychological conditions / extensive history of engagement with mental health services over a prolonged period of time
  • Evidence of historic or childhood trauma
  • Acute addiction, be it substance or behaviour-related
  • Evidence of current domestic violence or intimate partner abuse

In the event that you require support in identifying more specialist or long-term services, the EAP would seek to provide as much support as possible by identifying and suggesting pathways to particular services or encouraging the employee to engage with their GP to discuss their needs. Any such information would be tailored where possible to meet the employees needs based on the information they share. Under no circumstances would an employee be encouraged to undertake their own search using google or other means, however, it may be appropriate to encourage an employee to also explore services that may be local/specific to their location

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Ways To ContactInformation
UK Freephone0808 196 5808
Make a ReferralSpectrum Life Management Referral 
Refferal processSL_EAP_Manager_Referral_Workflow.pdf 
Wellbeing Platform

Your Employee Assistance Programme service comes with a dedicated online platform and app that give you access to live and on-demand health and wellbeing content.

This content is there to help you build your wellbeing knowledge, create tailored health plans and work on your wellbeing on the go.

This includes:

  • Digital gym and fitness classes for all levels
  • Meditation and mindfulness podcasts
  • Wellbeing seminars
  • Nutrition support and recipes

To register, you will need to use your UCL email address and organisation code: UCLEAP 

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Sign up to the digital platform