Welcome to UCL Congratulations on your new job and a warm welcome to UCL! -- Carousel banner images to be added here -- Before you start checklist Some practical things to take care of before your first day. Getting to know UCL Explore our organisation chart and governance structure. Staff benefits Find out about the benefits you can access as part of your reward package. Relocation Help and resources if you need to relocate to London or the UK. Staying safe at UCL Coronavirus (Covid-19) information pages for staff and students Belong at UCL Our induction package for new starters including Welcome app The first day in post and beyond Some practical things to take care of in your first week and beyond. Finding your way around Explore our buildings and interactive map of the campus Connecting with colleagues Discover some ways to connect with colleagues across the organisation Mandatory learning Courses that all staff must take during their probation period Welcome to Leadership Our induction package for senior leadership positions (grade 10 and above)