Guidance for Junior Clinical Staff including Dentists in training (staff below the level of consultant).
Pay for StR and Junior Doctors
There are two national pay scales which junior doctors and dentists in training (England) may be paid under depending on their stage of training and which contract they are under. At UCL these are called the ‘StR scale’ and ‘Junior Doctors Pay scale’. The StR scale is applicable to trainees who were at ST3 and above on 2nd August 2016. Trainees below ST3 on 2nd August 2016 will in most cases be paid on the Junior Doctors pay scale. A national training number is a requirement for payment on either pay scale.

*Note 1: For Psychiatry and emergency medicine, trainees entering higher training at the ST4 point
**Note 2: (post 2009 scale)
Note 3: Both pay systems are subject to a transitional period
Note 4: banding (paid by NHS) no longer include band 3 supplement, i.e. highest is band 2A
Clinical Training Fellows are Specialty Registrars who are appointed on or after 1 May 2008 on run-through Specialty Training programmes.
UCL and Clinical Appraisal
All junior doctors undertaking academic or research duties for UCL and registered with a Deanery for the purpose of their on-going clinical training are required to undertake both a UCL and Medical annual appraisal.
Academic Careers Office
The Academic Careers Office deals with all academic training appointments. Further information is available from their website
Training route for doctors and clinical academic staff in England

FY1 is the pre-registration year where the doctor has provisional registration with the GMC
FY2 is when the doctor is fully registered with the GMC
To become a GP, trainees will complete FY1 and 2 and then take 3 years specialty training, qualifying as a GP 5 years after leaving Medical School.
To become a consultant, trainees will carry out full training from FY1 through to CCT, qualifying as a consultant after completing a minimum of 8 years after leaving Medical School.
Trainees can apply for their National Training Number (NTN) once they decide on their specialty and commence their run through training programme.
Training is competency based.
Training may be extended by following an academic route.
* The Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) is the certificate that medical doctors receive to indicate that they have completed training in their chosen specialty and are therefore eligible for entry onto the specialist or GP register. This registration is needed to apply for posts as a consultant or a GP respectively.