Welcome to UCL’s executive coaching register. The aim of the register is to offer senior staff (grade 9 and above) support in their roles through access to highly experienced executive coaches.
Why use a coach?
Coaching for senior staff (sometimes called executive coaching) may be used to provide support on:
- Personal leadership style
- Strategic planning / thinking / delivery
- Conflict resolution and dealing with difficult behaviour
- Creating highly performing teams / groups / departments
- Power / influence / negotiation
- Building effective partnerships
- Sustaining competitive edge and performance
- Successful reputation
We have created a register of coaches who we believe have the appropriate combination of qualifications, expertise, diverse backgrounds and experience to work with UCL’s most senior staff.
How to work with an executive coach
Discuss the benefits of coaching with your line manager
Individuals will need to agree with their manager/head of department that coaching will be beneficial to their work. This may arise during appraisal discussions about development needs, or you may raise it on another occasion. It is essential that specific goals for coaching are established both with the supporting manager and with the coach selected.
Agree on the number and cost of sessions
Coaches charge between £150 and £550 per 1-2 hour coaching session. You will need to agree the number of sessions and agree how much they will cost. It is likely that up to 6 coaching sessions will be appropriate.
In order to get these details confirmed in writing, a standardised UCL contract and an evaluation form will be issued by the coaches and should be returned to coachatucl@ucl.ac.uk. You will need to seek financial approval before confirming the coaching sessions.
Find an appropriate time and venue
Where and when you access coaching is entirely up to you and should be arranged between you and your coach.
Review your coaching
When you and your coach have completed the agreed number of sessions, review how valuable you have found the coaching and discuss whether further sessions would be useful.