1. You have been provided with this document to ensure that you are fully informed regarding the terms of engagement for undertaking a one–off duty at UCL. If you are going to be paid through UCL Unitemps, please visit UCL Unitemps for more information.
2. You may also be asked to complete a standard form to provide the personal details that are needed to process any payment due to you.
Right to Work in the UK
3. UCL is required by law to ensure you have the right to work in the UK prior to you undertaking any engagement. This requires you to provide evidential proof of your right to work in the UK and copies of the relevant documentation must be retained. To identify what documentation you have that would evidence your right-to-work in the UK visit the government site ‘Prove your right to work to an employer’.
4. UCL is unable to make any payment to a worker or an employee where these checks have not been undertaken and satisfied the statutory requirements.
5. There is no employment relationship between UCL and you, the worker. Payments for one off duties are subject to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) deductions under Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) legislation. If you are undertaking a duty that could qualify as self employment and/or UCL is being invoiced for services provided, the payment will be made via the UCL Finance Division and not payroll (see later paragraph). Self employment will not normally apply if you are an employee at another institution paying PAYE or, the duty you are undertaking would not normally qualify as a self-employed activity (e.g. teaching on mainstream university programmes).
6. Any payment requests processed via UCL Payroll, including expenses, will have PAYE and national insurance (NI) deducted in line with HMRC rules and limits. Your tax code will be treated as 0T M1 (Click here for details of tax codes), unless you submit a P45 or Starter Checklist. If you are over the State Retirement Age and provide evidence of this in the form of a passport, birth certificate or, UK driving licence, we will not deduct NI. Otherwise, NI will be deducted.
7. If you require a P45 from UCL after you have received your final payment, please contact the payroll administrator for your department. Contact details can be found on the Payroll Services page.
UCL’s tax office is
PO Box 1970
L75 1WX
Please quote UCL's tax office reference, 951 U3.
8. If for any reason you consider that your fees should be paid without deduction of PAYE or, NI you should discuss this with the department before undertaking any duty.
Payment Process
9. Once you have under taken the duty and provided all the satisfactory information required the department will instruct UCL Payroll via an online Form to pay you. You should expect to receive payment at the end of the month following this duty subject to the department have met the payroll submission deadline of the 8th of the month. A paper payslip will be sent to your home address at the end of the month in which you are paid.
Personal Details
10. UK Bank details are requested of you because UCL is committed to paying workers and employees via the BACS payment route. Payments can not be made to overseas bank accounts.
11. National Insurance numbers (NINOs), date of birth (DOB) and gender are required by HMRC and collecting this information demonstrates good employer practice. UCL also wishes to collect data to enable it to ensure that external workers are engaged on the basis of merit. You are invited to assist UCL in meeting its commitment by providing relevant details which will be treated in the strictest confidence.
HR Employment Policy
September 2017