Details of the conditions and facilities associated with the affiliate academic appointments.
- Purpose of the scheme
- Scope
- Eligibility
- Fees and expenses
- Appointments and process
- Professional registration
- Right to work checks
- Confirmation of appointment
- Period of appointment
- Termination of the association with UCL
- Basis of the appointment and duties
- Privileges and responsibilities
- UCL Policies
- Confidentiality
- Intellectual property
- Data protection
- Accommodation
- Facilities
- ID cards
- Banking facilities
- Administration and Enquiries
- Information for overseas visitors arriving at UCL
Purpose of the scheme
1.This scheme is intended for academics from overseas who wish to spend a short period of time, pursuing their own research either individually or in association with members of staff at UCL in related fields of interest.
Retiring professors from UCL, ceasing all paid employment should follow the Emeritus appointments procedure and honorary titles conferred upon individuals must be arranged in accordance with Honorary Staff Appointments.
2. This guidance applies to all Affiliate Academics and UCL staff involved in administering and agreeing Affiliate Academic appointments.
3. Affiliate Academics accepted by UCL are persons normally holding established academic posts overseas in institutions of higher education, or occasionally in industry or business who apply to pursue their research in one of UCL’s Departments. Affiliate Academics do not normally attend courses, but by arrangement with the Head of the Department they may audit certain lectures or attend seminars.
4. Applicants using the facilities at UCL who are studying towards a higher degree should not be admitted in this category, but must be classified as a Visiting Research Student for which a separate system operates, administered through the International Office.
5. The recommendation to admit an Affiliate Academic, the scope of their study programme, and the facilities to be made available are at the discretion of the Head of Department concerned.
Fees and expenses
- Affiliate Academics are charged a fee (£6035 for 2024/2025). Fees for visits of less than a calendar year are normally charged on a pro rata basis. A Head of Department can recommend that additional research expenses may be charged. The Head of Department may decide to consult with other UCL subject matter experts in Finance before any additional fees are charged.
- All Affiliate Academics are liable for the approved fee, and HR Services team will liaise with the Affiliate Academic over payment, including requesting that the Affiliate Academic completes their information on the New Customer Account Set up form. Invoices are prepared by HR Services and are then forwarded to Finance Division for processing before being sent to the Affiliate Academic (or Sponsor). The address for the invoice should be indicated on the proposal form.
8. The apportionment of the Affiliate Academic fee is as follows:
a. If the visitor will make use of the library:
- 10% to the library
- 45% to the Department
- 45% to UCL
b. If the visitor will not make use of the library:
- 50% to the Department
- 50% to UCL
Departments will normally receive 100% of additional research (bench) fees, if these are being charged These would be extra research charges not included in the standard 2024/25 fee, such as laboratory fees.
9. Affiliate Academics should ensure that they have sufficient funds available to maintain themselves whilst in London and to pay the UCL fees.
Appointments process
10. Affiliate Academics normally make an application to attend UCL by writing in advance to the department where they wish to work. In recommending acceptance of an Affiliate Academic, a Head of Department is asked to complete a proposal form (link below) giving brief details of the person to be admitted. The form must be signed by the Head of Department to indicate approval of the visit and should then be sent to MyServices at least one month in advance of a visit. A Curriculum Vitae for the visitor and a brief statement of what they intend to do at UCL should also be attached.
11. It is essential at this stage to indicate whether any Affiliate Academic from outside the Common Travel Area will require a visa, such as the Temporary Worker - Government Authorised Exchange visa. Information on this and other immigration matters is available in the Immigration guidance on the UCL HR website.
For further information please contact the department’s staffing team or MyServices. Where sponsorship is required, more than 6 weeks’ notice will be necessary to ensure all the relevant documentation is processed in a timely manner and UKVI can issue the visa. The start of any visit may be delayed if the visa is not issued before the proposed start date.
Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)
12. The Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) applies to all international students and researchers (apart from exempt nationalities) who are subject to UK immigration control and are intending to study or research at postgraduate level in certain sensitive subjects. If an ATAS certificate is required, this will add weeks or months to the process.
Find out if you need an ATAS certificate - GOV.UK
Criminal convictions
13. The Affiliate Academic is required to disclose any relevant ‘unspent’ criminal convictions as part of their application, in accordance with UCL’s Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Policy. Subject to the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, they must comply with any request for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check made by UCL if they are undertaking regulated activity for UCL.
Professional registration
14. If the affiliation requires registration with a Registered Body, the Affiliate Academic is required to inform UCL if that registration status changes at any time. Their affiliation may be terminated with immediate effect by UCL if they cease to satisfy the requirement to hold such registration.
Right to work checks
15. Subject to paragraph [17] below, the Affiliate Academic must have the right to live and work in the UK and a right to work check must be undertaken before conferment of their title. If at any stage their right to work status changes or is revoked, they must inform UCL immediately.
16. If the Affiliate Academic is based overseas and does not visit the UK, they will not require a right to work check unless they subsequently come to the UK and undertake any work under their Affiliate Academic appointment.
Confirmation of appointment
17. The HR Services team will write formally to the Affiliate Academic to inform them of acceptance to UCL, a copy of which will be sent to the department. This letter will confirm the terms and conditions of the appointment.
Period of appointment
18.The appointment will be a period of normally not less than four weeks and not more than one calendar year and will continue until the end date, at which point it will immediately terminate without further notice.
19. The appointment may be extended in accordance with the scheme. A new customer account set up form for the extended period must be submitted to HR Services, so that a new invoice can be arranged. A new appointment letter will be sent by HR Services to confirm the change.
Termination of the association with UCL
20. The Affiliate Academic’s appointment shall continue until it immediately terminates on the end date without the need for UCL providing further notice.
21. UCL may withdraw with immediate effect the affiliation, including access to UCL systems, buildings, or other resources, at any time prior to the intended termination date by notifying the Affiliate Academic in writing that their association has been terminated.
22. If the Affiliate Academic wishes to end their Affiliate Academic association with UCL prior to the agreed termination date, they must contact the Head of Department as soon as possible.
Basis of appointment and duties
23. The Terms and Conditions of the scheme do not form an employment relationship with UCL, and the Affiliate Academic will not obtain or accrue any employment rights as a result of their association.
24. There is no obligation on UCL to provide any work to the Affiliate Academic and they are under no obligation to accept or carry out any work for UCL as a result of their affiliation. The Affiliate Academic must not be compelled to undertake an activity on a regular or recurring basis and any activity must always be voluntary.
Privileges and responsibilities
25. As part of the appointment the Affiliate Academic:
- must receive an induction and undertake all mandatory training as listed in the Induction Checklist within the specified time frames;
- will not become a member of the Academic Board;
- are covered by UCL’s employer liability, professional indemnity and personal accident policies when carrying out any activity which forms part of their contribution to UCL;
- may use UCL’s Travel on UCL Business Policy for trips made on behalf of UCL;
- may be provided with a workspace at the discretion of the Head of Department and subject to availability;
- will report to the Head of Department (or supervisor at the discretion of the Head of Department);
- will acknowledge UCL in publications and grant applications arising from research involving University collaborations;
- will uphold the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion in their work;
- will promote the interests and reputation of UCL;
- will act in good faith towards UCL; and
- will take all possible care not to damage any of UCL’s property or equipment.
- The Affiliate Academic must not:
- commit UCL to any level of income or expenditure, or act as authorised signatory to a UCL budget, unless in relation to a research grant for which they have been appointed Principal Investigator by the appropriate authority within UCL
- carry out performance appraisals for UCL staff without a co-supervisor who is a UCL employee.
UCL policies
- The Affiliate Academic is required to comply with UCL’s regulations and policies, including but not limited to:
- UCL Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
- Information Security Policy and supporting policies
- UCL Intellectual Property (IP) Policy
- Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy and Procedure (Staff and Students)
- UCL Health and Safety Policy
- UCL Disclosure of Conflict and Declaration of Interest Policy
- Personal Relationships Policy
- Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Policy
28. The Affiliate Academic must not use for their own benefit or gain or disclose to any third party any Confidential Information relating to UCL or any of its staff or students, whether during or after their appointment except in the proper course of their association or as required by English law.
29. “Confidential Information” includes all information which has been specifically designated as confidential by UCL and any information which relates to UCL’s current and future business activities, or to any staff member, student or donor, the unauthorised disclosure of which would embarrass, harm or prejudice UCL.
30. Nothing in paragraphs [26 and 27] will prevent the Affiliate Academic from making a protected disclosure as defined by Part V of the Employment Rights Act 1996.
Intellectual property
31. The Affiliate Academic is bound by UCL’s Intellectual Property (IP) Policy, as amended from time to time. This means that all intellectual property they create during their appointment belongs to UCL. There is an exception to the general position in relation to ownership of copyright in scholarly materials and teaching materials. UCL agrees that copyright in scholarly materials and teaching materials shall belong to the Affiliate Academic if they are the author/originator of such materials, except where those materials fall within any of the specific categories referred to in UCL’s Intellectual Property (IP) Policy.
Data protection
32. UCL may collect and process information relating to the Affiliate Academic, to perform our obligations arising from their association with us. UCL’s Staff Privacy Notice sets out the basis on which the Affiliate Academics personal data will be collected from us or any third parties.
33. Accommodation in UCL halls and houses is reserved for students. Therefore, UCL cannot normally provide accommodation for Affiliate Academics during term-time, although it may be possible to book UCL accommodation during vacations. Enquiries about vacation accommodation should be addressed to the Student Residences Officer (tel: extension 46322, E-mail:
34. The department is responsible for ensuring the individual is issued with a UCL ID card, an IT account (if appropriate), and information about other facilities such as the library. All Affiliate Academics will be entered on to the HR database, ensuring that they have a UPI address, which will enable IT staff to set them up with IT accounts.
35. The scope of the study programme, and the facilities that will be made available is at the discretion of the Head of Department and will be outlined in the confirmation letter.
ID cards
36. All persons attending UCL are required to have a UCL ID card. This should be arranged via UCL Security - ID Cards by the host Department.
Banking facilities
37. There are branches of all the major banks within a short distance from UCL. UCL’s branch of Santander Bank is at 164-167 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 7JE. Affiliate Academics wishing to open accounts at UCL’s bank will be asked to provide official documentation proving their permanent overseas address, as well as evidence of their address whilst in the UK. The Affiliate Academic invitation letter should be sufficient proof of their Affiliate Academic status, but if further documentation is required, they should contact MyServices.
Administration and enquiries
38. HR Services is responsible for the general administration of matters relating to Affiliate Academics, including the provision of information, issuing of invoices and apportionment of fees. The collection of fees is the responsibility of Finance Division.
Enquiries about the Affiliate Academic scheme should be sent to MyServices.
Information for overseas visitors arriving at UCL
- Please see Getting to UCL for further information.
HR Policy Team
December 2024