2017 Staff Survey – your voice
Thank you for all your feedback in last year's 2017 Staff Survey. We have received lots of great examples of what has been happening as a result, below are just some of the activities implemented as a result of your feedback.
Highlights from across departments and faculties
Finance and Business Affairs
For our 2018 all-staff away day 2018, we collaborated with colleagues from the Slade, and provided a variety of theme-based activities to explore three UCL Wellbeing Pillars: Positive Environments, Healthy Lifestyles and Mental Wellness. Staff experienced ‘colour breathing’, ‘embraced the rhythm’ with a drumming class and contributed to the creation of three calendars now displayed in FBA offices. Find out more.
Finance and Business Affairs Away Day 2018
Global Engagement Office
We arranged a workshop to explore team culture: things that work well and areas for improvement. Work continues, but key recent achievements include expert sessions on managing workloads and maintaining resilience in a demanding environment. GEO is also piloting a light-touch staff development and performance management process, building on the essentials of the UCL appraisal system. Recognising the diversity of our team, we have also reaffirmed and clarified our commitment to flexible work.
Library Services
We have rolled out a management training programme for all managers in the department; the programme is ongoing but 122 managers have already participated in 7 sessions. One manager said: “The programme has been extremely useful, particularly in tackling and understanding issues of a sensitive nature as well giving me the confidence to improve the way I look after staff.” Another described how “I have taken away the idea that the most important part of management is listening. It is worth reiterating that and thinking about how to do it.”
The MAPs Staff survey group meets once a term and has so far been instrumental in setting up new initiatives including the MAPS Career Clarity workshop (aimed at supporting professional services staff to take the next step in their careers at UCL) and the Faculty Forum (an event bringing all faculty staff together to hear updates from the Dean and other invited speakers from across UCL).
The team follows a really consultative approach to planning, focusing on the top six areas of concern for the department, staff develop an action plan and active to do list which is monitored at all team meetings. Actions we have introduced include 360 feedback as part of the appraisal process for all staff (with mandatory training on how to give and receive such feedback), ‘Active Bystander’ training for all staff and a buddy system for all new staff.