ESHE 2015 meeting announced
18 November 2014
European Society for the study of Human Evolution The society promotes research into human biological and cultural evolution, by stimulating communication and cooperation between scientists, and raising public awareness and understanding.
annual meeting open to registered participants, and we publish the
proceedings of these meetings as a series.
Next Meeting: September 10-12, 2015 - London, UK
The next ESHE Meeting will be held at the British Museum from September
10-12, 2015. The meeting will be followed by an excursion to Swanscombe &
Down House on Sunday, 13 September. Registration and Abstract Submission
will begin in early 2015.
Important Deadlines - ESHE 2015 London
Thursday April 30, 2015 | Abstract Submission Deadline |
Friday July 31, 2015 | Online Registration Deadline |
Monday August 24, 2015 | Student Poster Prize Deadline |